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War Criminal Netanyahu Calls Peace Activists “Useful Idiots” & Receives 58 Standing Ovations for GENOCIDE from US Congress

(Notes on Israel’s US Backed Genocide in Gaza)

On October 27th, 1962, Russian senior officer Vasili Alexandrovich Arkhipov saved my life, and probably yours too. Mr. Arkhipov was on board a Soviet submarine during the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, when he refused to fire a NUCLEAR torpedo, despite being under intense pressure, and receiving permission to do so. Vasili Arkhipov’s HEROIC, and decisive inaction, likely prevented World War III, and saved millions, if not billions of lives. According to his daughter Elena, “He always thought that he did what he had to do and never considered his actions as heroism. He acted like a man who knew what kind of disasters can come from radiation,” she said. “He did his part for the future so that everyone can live on our planet.”

I am scared. The so-called “leaders” of the United States, as exemplified by a US Congress that gave Benjamin Netanyahu 58 standing ovations for Genocide, are embarrassingly idiotic, and disgusting. They truly have no soul, and are only loyal to billionaires, powerful corporations, lobbyists, and the US Military Industrial Complex. I am convinced that the United States is hell-bent on continuing its Genocide in Gaza, and starting another World War, even if it leads to Nuclear Annihilation. According to former US Marine Corps Intelligence Officer, Scott Ritter, “When one examines these factors in their aggregate, the inescapable conclusion is that Europe will be faced with an existential crisis which could come to a head as early as the summer of 2026…While a future nuclear conflict would very likely start in Europe, it will be virtually impossible to contain the use of nuclear weapons on the European continent. Any use of nuclear weapons against Russian soil, or the territory of its ally, Belarus, would trigger a general Russian nuclear response which would lead to a general, global-killing nuclear war.” If Americans are interested in truth, justice, and sustainable world PEACE, we must come together as one, and encourage each individual to find his or her nerve to take action, or inaction, like the courageous Soviet Officer Vasili Arkhipov. Otherwise, to quote the film Aliens, we will only continue on our “express elevator to hell, going down!”

Howard Zinn is one of my favorite teachers, and he summed it up well in his book, The Bomb:
“More and more in our time, the mass production of massive evil requires an enormously complicated division of labor. No one is positively responsible for the horror that ensues. But everyone is negatively responsible, because anyone can throw a wrench into the machinery. Not quite, of course, because only a few people have wrenches. The rest have only their hands and feet. That is, the power to interfere with the terrible progression is distributed unevenly, and therefore the sacrifice required varies, according to one’s means. In that odd perversion of the natural that we call society, the greater one’s capability for interference, the less urgent is the need to interfere. It is the immediate victims, or tomorrow’s, who have the greatest need, and the fewest wrenches. They must use their bodies (which may explain why rebellion is a rare phenomenon)…But always, it means refusing to be transfixed by the actions of other people, the truths of other times. It means acting on what we feel and think, here, now, for human flesh and sense, against the abstractions of duty and obedience.” – Howard Zinn

The PEACEFUL “Arrest Netanyahu” Protest & Kamala Harris

I was proud to join our brothers and sisters in Washington, DC, last week for the “Arrest Netanyahu” protest that called for the apprehension of the globally despised war criminal, and Genocidaire, Benjamin Netanyahu. Unsurprisingly, the thousands of us who joined the PEACEFUL demonstration, were immediately characterized by the Biden Administration as being “violent, and antisemitic”. Funny, I don’t feel violent and antisemitic! Following Biden administration logic, I guess that means that the scores of Jewish protesters who also showed up (some of whom helped lead & organize the march), would just be considered violent, and self-hating? Considering that the Biden Administration is committing a Genocide in Gaza, and other war crimes around the world, it is indeed a badge of honor to be on the receiving end of their pathological lying, and criticism.
Click here to watch C-Span coverage of the “Arrest Netanyahu” protest.

“There are many reasons to hate Israel which have nothing to do with Jews. They’re completely out of control. I got an email from my close friend, a really brilliant woman. She’s Palestinian and she said the United Nations can’t stop them. The International Court of Justice can’t stop them. The Houthis, and Hezbollah, can’t stop them. Nothing can stop them. They’re just on a lunatic rampage now. Complete lunatics. So there are excellent reasons to be anti-Israel that have nothing to do with Jews, though of course there’s always going to be a spill over because Israel describes itself as the nation state of the Jewish people, so from hating Israel to hating Jews, is not a very big leap, when you describe yourself as a nation state of the Jewish people.”
– Professor & Author Norman Finkelstein (son of Holocaust survivors)

If you think that US foreign policy will be different under Kamala Harris, the DNC’s unilateral pick to replace Biden (a selection made by the ruling elite, which once again bypassed any democratic processes), please think again. Here is what Kamala Harris had to say about people like me, and the PEACEFUL protest against GENOCIDE, on July 24th: “Yesterday, at Union Station in Washington, D.C. we saw despicable acts by unpatriotic protestors and dangerous hate-fueled rhetoric. I condemn any individuals associating with the brutal terrorist organization Hamas, which has vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and kill Jews. Pro-Hamas graffiti and rhetoric is abhorrent and we must not tolerate it in our nation. I condemn the burning of the American flag. That flag is a symbol of our highest ideals as a nation and represents the promise of America. It should never be desecrated in that way. I support the right to peacefully protest, but let’s be clear: Antisemitism, hate and violence of any kind have no place in our nation.”

As per Journalist Ali Abunamah (on Kamala Harris), “Imagine being more offended by people burning a piece of cloth, than by “Israel” burning and beheading Palestinian children with American bombs”.

So, let me get this straight, Kamala Harris is one of the leaders of the Biden Administration, and 10 months into Israel’s GENOCIDE in Gaza, she is still defending Israel’s mass murder campaigns, and vomiting up the same tired trope that “Israel has a right to defend itself.” Kamala Harris is as GUILTY of committing a GENOCIDE in Gaza as Joe Biden (she has been complicit all along). Since October 7th, Israel’s US backed slaughter of civilians in Gaza, has so far killed an estimated 186,000 Palestinians, 70% of whom are women and children! Like most US politicians, Kamala Harris is a soulless wretch, as she skirts responsibility for the Genocide which she helped create, and instead labels PEACEFUL protesters who are speaking out against her crimes, as “antisemitic and violent”. I met so many inspiring and beautiful people of all ages, and backgrounds, during the PEACEFUL demonstration (see pics below), which only became confrontational when the police blocked access to a road on the protesters’ route, and then decided to drench the PEACE activists with pepper spray. I don’t know all of the details yet, but many of the activists were incapacitated, and blinded, as a result of the officers’ unlawful actions (I was only slightly exposed). I have had mixed feelings about our “boys and girls in blue” for a long time (it can be argued that both the police, and US soldiers, are victims of a “corporate state that is run by criminals”), but as the police have become more brazen in recent months, my sympathies have lessened. After the crowd was tear gassed (apparently, pepper spray is a type of tear gas), I yelled to many officers that they are smart, and that we (and the world) need them, and that they should think for themselves, and not always do what they’re told. Inspired by Mr. Vasili Archipov, I tried to seize the educational moment! Some of the ailing protesters were understandably telling the police to Eff off, and to go F*ck themselve too, which didn’t help. I later learned that over 200 NYC police officers were sent to DC on the previous day to create a citywide protective fortress of sorts for the War Criminal, Netanyahu (the DC police had also arrested 250+ Jewish Voice for Peace activists on the prior day as well). Predictably, the US corporate media (which is essentially state media), tried to characterize the PEACEFUL protest as being both violent and destructive, while it also downplayed the size of the crowds.
Click here for a video of DC & NYC police pepper spraying DC protesters.
Click here to learn more on Kamala Harris from Pulitzer Prize winning author Chris Hedges.
Click here to learn more about the horrid history of Kamala Harris from Lee Camp.

“Everything has to be decided behind closed doors. There can’t be any popular input, that’s not the way the Democratic Party Works…Kamala Harris is a moron. She’s stupid. She has no competence for the job. It’s a very funny thing that happened because Biden only selected her, he said, the reason I selected her is because she’s a black woman. They wanted to nail down the black women vote so they selected Kamala Harris. He was doing that all the time…That’s the only reason Kamala Harris was selected, She has no competence, she has nothing, there’s nothing there…Remember, Kamala Harris came in fourth in her own state in the 2020 primary. I mean to come in fourth in your own state in the primary, you have to be just terrible.”
– Author & Professor Norman Finkelstein

Thank God for the organizers and activists who continue to exercise their constitutional rights in calling out Israel and the US for the GENOCIDE in Gaza. Again, the protest in Washington, DC, was completely PEACEFUL (other than someone using a spray can, and burning an American flag), until NYC & DC police officers, for reasons that are unclear, began pepper spraying the crowd. Clearly, Kamala Harris is following in the footsteps of Genocide Joe, with her Big Fat Lies, and disinformation.
Click here to learn more about the awfulness of Kamala Harris from the Grayzone.
Click here to learn even more about the awfulness of Kamala Harris from BT News, and Briahna Joy Gray.

“This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want.” – Hannah Arendt, German historian and philosopher (1906-1975)

According to the Electronic Intifada’s Michael F. Brown, “Israel’s US-funded Gaza genocide has now raged for nearly 10 months. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has indicated he wants a quicker genocide. Vice President Kamala Harris, the likely Democratic presidential candidate, would enter office with an obliterated Gaza, and possibly a regional war decimating still more, should she be victorious in November. Trump’s anti-Palestinian racism is well known. Democrats, for their part, are obscuring the vice president’s complicity in the Gaza genocide, seeking to make her inspiring, “brat” and chartreuse cool for young people through a viral social media effort embraced by the Harris campaign…Harris has been President Joe Biden’s genocide deputy for nearly 10 months. For those who held out hope that Harris would make a quick and immediate break with Biden over Gaza, there has been no such development. Instead, Harris rounded on Washington protesters rather than on those in the US Congress applauding genocidaire Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister…CNN, which misleadingly labeled the anti-genocide Washington protests “anti-Semitic,” reports that “aides and allies who have talked with Harris, from her Senate days up through her being on the line for nearly every conversation Biden has had with Netanyahu, insist that substantively there is little daylight between her and the president.”

For the record, Joe Biden has been a war criminal and a pathological liar for decades. How many ways do his lies and crimes (and now Kamala Harris’s too), impact Americans? According to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, ATTACKS and incidents of discrimination against US Muslims and Palestinians, have gone up by over 70% in the first half of 2024.

Lifetime Criminal Donald Trump would be Just as Bad as Kamala Harris

As per Marc Lamont Hill, “He’s a fascinating person (Donald Trump). First of all, “If they’re innocent, I’ll pardon them” is the most ridiculous statement. If they’re innocent, they don’t need a pardon, right? So, again, as Donald Trump does, and like most people with sort of toddler levels of political maturity do, he redirected, and he said, “Let’s go to recent history of five days ago,” and he starts talking about people who are protesting a genocide. He talks about people who are challenging American imperialism. And he tries to equate the two. And even then, he doesn’t offer any kind of reasonable analysis. So, that’s two things that we have to think about. One, Donald Trump refuses to hold accountable the white supremacists and the insurrectionists and all the other people who are waging war against the vulnerable in this country, and who have done so in demonstrable fashion. Even people like Donald Trump who call themselves law and order president, people who defend the blue no matter what, he even has created space to basically indemnify the people who harm the police who he worships. But then, when someone is standing up against a genocidal war, when someone is not waging war on the Capitol, he called it an attack on the Capitol. Protesting in D.C. is not an attack on the Capitol. Donald Trump would probably call the March on Washington a vicious assault on our nation’s home, right? Because he sees anybody who’s Black or Brown or standing in solidarity with oppressed people as an enemy to the state. And in an imperialist state, he’s not all the way wrong. But that’s exactly why we can’t have someone like Donald Trump as the steward of this empire.”

Israel’s “Useful Idiots” are the US Congress and the Biden Administration

How broken is the United States? The GENOCIDAL monster, Netanyahu, was invited by hundreds of unconscionable members of the US Congress to (1) Lobby for BILLIONS more in US tax dollars (i.e., additional US weapons and bombs to drop on Palestinian children and civilians), (2) Convince US “Leadership” to start a war with Iran, and (3) Smear thousands of American protesters (including yours truly), as well as Muslims and Palestinians, by calling us “useful idiots” for Iran.

According to former US diplomat, and Army Colonel, Ann Wright, “The remark by Netanyahu in his address to Congress on July 24 that those who challenge the genocide and protest U.S. complicity in the murder of 39,000 Palestinians in the past nine months and tens of thousands still buried underneath the rubble of destroyed homes and apartment buildings, in schools, hospitals and tents are “useful idiots” of Iran was particularly ironic. Who are the “Useful Idiots?” Not the Protesters, but the U.S. Congress and the Biden Administration. The “useful idiots” are not those who protest the murder of innocent civilians but those who give impunity for Israel to conduct the genocide of Gaza…Netanyahu Lies About Civilian Murders and Starvation to the Israeli “useful idiots” in the U.S. Congress—and gets Standing Ovations. The U.S. Congressional “useful idiots” had the gall to give Netanyahu standing ovations when he blatantly lied that there have been few civilian deaths from Israeli military actions. Another standing ovation from the Congressional Israeli “useful idiots” when Netanyahu said another monstrous lie that the reason people in Gaza are starving is because Hamas stole the food.The miles upon miles of trucks filled with food and medicines waiting for Israeli permission to enter Gaza have been seen by the world. It is only the U.S. Congress that is blind to what our own eyes have seen.”

Thankfully, there was ONE US politician who had the courage to stand up for Truth and Justice during War Criminal Netanyahu’s speech, and that was Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib. Ms. Tlaib held up a small sign that stated on one side, “Guilty of Genocide”, and on the other side, “War Criminal”. As per journalist Aaron Mate, “Why is Rep. Rashida Tlaib the only member of Congress willing to do an action like this? A lot more impactful, and brave, than skipping the mass murderer’s speech.”
Click here to learn more about Rashida Tlaib’s inspiring actions from Common Dreams.
Click here to see how CODEPINK thanked Rashida Tlaib.

As per CODEPINK’s Danaka Katovich (on Genocidist, Netanyahu, and the criminals in Congress who gave him a standing O):
“There’s no mention of their duty to the people in the oath of office that members of Congress take. It says they will support and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Maybe, in some regard defending the Constitution would mean doing their job: representing the people that elected them. But today, the architect of the genocide against the Palestinian people walked in and out of the “people’s house” to a standing ovation. He was given more time with our lawmakers than any of us will ever get in our lifetime and he used it to insist he was a good man that was commanding a moral army, insisting they have not killed anyone who did not deserve to have their life ended in the blink of an eye. There are one thousand indications that our government has no obligation to us. This moment was just one, but it was one I will never let slip my mind. These people are no different than the settlers that gather in lawn chairs, eat popcorn, and cheer when the Israeli military drops bombs on apartment complexes in Gaza. For as long as they’ve been in office, they’ve had a front row seat to the carnage and all they do is gawk and cheer from the sidelines. Every once in a while, someone they are supposed to work for pesters them about their complacency and we are swatted away like flies…When I saw the video of the standing ovation, something sunk in me, this is where I was born. This is where both of my parents were born. I have no nation to be loyal to but a nation tripping over themselves to kill my friends’ families. There is bloodlust in the US Congress, and bloodlust seems like the only thing they are loyal to. If there are “enemies” foreign and domestic, I fear they view us as the latter. I clap for my friends at their comedy shows. I clap for people after they finish a speech at a community event. I sometimes clap when the plane lands, if someone else does it first. To clap for an executioner of children, mothers, fathers and friends — how much did they sell their souls for?”

And independent journalist Jonathan Cook:
“There is only one country in the world right now, in the midst of Israel’s slaughter in Gaza, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is guaranteed dozens of standing ovations from the vast majority of its elected representatives. That country is not Israel, where he has been a hugely divisive figure for many years. It is the United States. On Wednesday, Netanyahu was back-slapped, glad-handed, whooped and cheered as he slowly made his way, hailed at every step as a conquering hero, to the podium of the US Congress.
– This was the same Netanyahu who has overseen during the past 10 months the slaughter, so far, of some 40,000 Palestinians, around half of them women and children. More than 21,000 other children are reported missing, most of them likely dead under rubble.
– It was the same Netanyahu who levelled a strip of territory, originally home to 2.3 million Palestinians, that is expected to take 80 years to rebuild, at a cost of at least $50bn.
– It was the same Netanyahu who has destroyed every hospital and university in Gaza, and bombed almost all of its schools that were serving as shelters for families made homeless by other Israeli bombs.
– It was the same Netanyahu whose arrest is being sought by the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity, accused of using starvation as a weapon of war by imposing an aid blockade that has engineered a famine across Gaza.
– It was the same Netanyahu whose government was found last week by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to have been intensifying Israel’s apartheid rule over the Palestinian people in an act of long-term aggression.
– It was the same Netanyahu whose government is standing trial for committing what the ICJ, the world’s highest judicial body, has termed a “plausible genocide”.
And yet, there was just one visible protester in the congressional chamber. Rashida Tlaib, the only US legislator of Palestinian heritage, sat silently grasping a small black sign. On one side it said: “War criminal”. On the other: “Guilty of genocide”.
One person among hundreds mutely trying to point out that the emperor was naked…”

How Israel Uses Starvation, Disease, and Poisoned Water, as Weapons of War

“Israeli Society is completely lunatic, and it’s the entire Society. If you look at the polls, only 4% of Israeli Jewish society believes Israel is using too much force in Gaza, and 40% think it’s using too little force. That’s a completely Lunatic Society…To try to impose or burden prime minister Netanyahu with all the sins of Israel is completely ridiculous. Netanyahu is Israel. He’s an obnoxious, Jewish supremacist, and that’s Israel. There are the three characteristics of Israeli society, (1) Obnoxious beyond belief, (2) Narcissistic Beyond calculation, and (3) Jewish Supremacist. When they (Israelis) vote, when they see Netanyahu, they see themselves, and that’s why they vote for him.” – Author & Professor Norman Finkelstein

Yara M. Asi is an Assistant Professor at the University of Central Florida, and Co-Director of the Palestine Program for Health and Human Rights. Her work has been featured in peer-reviewed journals, and other major media outlets. She is the author of How War Kills: The Overlooked Threats to our Health.
Question: How does Public Health, or Disease, further Israel’s Genocide?

Yara M. Asi: “Yeah. So we have to remember that the spread of disease has been a purposeful part of colonizing forces throughout history. We’ve heard of the infamous smallpox and the blankets that were given to Native Americans specifically for the purpose of spreading smallpox in that population. Now, the definition of genocide includes two components that are I think really vital here. One is causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, and the other is deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring apart its physical destruction in whole or in part. So for obvious reasons, the bombing and the torture and the raids and the attacks get a lot of the global coverage. I mean, this is always how war coverage works. The spectacle of warfare is very easy for people to understand. They see a bloody child. They see a destroyed ambulance. We kind of get what that has to do with genocide. What’s less understood is that there’s many ways to inflict harm on a population and preventing that population from having access to health care, access to clean water, access to sanitation, forcing displacement over and over and over again…famine in pockets of the population. You know, injuries that need to be evacuated immediately. So we know that there are 14,000 applications for medical evacuations from Gaza, most of which have nothing to do with battle-related injuries. These are people with cancers and, you know, people who need heart surgeries and brain surgeries, 14,000 that are waiting Israel’s approval to be able to leave to receive the medical care that they need. Israel has not exactly been, let’s say, expediting the evacuation of these people. And so there was that recent Lancet study that came out in, I believe, early July 2024. And although they used a predictive and relatively crude assessment, they estimated that if the current Ministry of Health numbers of about 39, I think at this point, they’re saying 40,000 people dead is accurate. From previous wars, we know that every battle-related death can have from 3 to 15 times more indirect causes of death. So malnutrition, injury, maternal and infant mortality, these also cause people to die. And just because they are not due to airstrikes, they’re not dropped from a plane, they are part of this military assault. So it is not really accurate to disconnect the violence from military actions versus the violence from depriving this entire population, again, most of which are under the age of 18, of any need, any factor that is needed to sustain life. I mean, we’re not even talking about the ability to thrive, the ability to grow, the ability to be healthy. We’re just talking about not dying, not living in misery and disability. And these conditions, as has been reported from humanitarian agencies, again, since basically immediately after October 7th, are doing exactly that. Many humanitarian agencies have broken their own guidelines about political involvement to call for a ceasefire simply because the humanitarian situation is so catastrophic. So we need to see this as a holistic process that 10 months in, it’s very hard to argue is not purposeful.”
Click here for the full interview from the Mondoweiss Podcast: Polio and The Public Health Crisis in Gaza.
Click here to learn more about the “Catastrophic” health conditions in Gaza.

The Continued Silence & Disappointment of Loved Ones

“If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.” – Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister

I recently found out that a dear friend of mine is probably a Jewish supremacist. I mentioned the Genocide in Gaza, and she became upset and shot back that there was no Genocide in Gaza, and that it is simply a war between Israel and Hamas. She then started regurgitating all of the LIES & propaganda that Israel and the US have been spewing out over the last 10 months, via press briefings, the mainstream media, hasbara (Israel’s propaganda machine), and other media outlets. I am saddened not only because I may have lost someone I love, but also because I know that she is not alone, and that her views are shared by millions of Americans who are equally misinformed (disinformed), and bigoted.

“The main scourge of humanity is not ignorance, because the ignorant often have excuses, but the refusal to know.”
– Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986)

My friend is an otherwise good person, who had a big heart in college, but something has been slowly beaten out of her, and I am not sure what will happen with our friendship. Like millions of other Americans, she works in the financial industry, and I believe that she has become, to some degree, another victim/product of a shallow, elitist, American culture, and decades of racist US & Israeli propaganda. When I explained that the United Nations, countless human rights organizations, the International Criminal Court, the International Court of justice, and thousands of journalists, authors, and academics have all concluded that Israel (backed by the US) is committing a GENOCIDE in Gaza (the evil of all evils), she had no response, other than to say, “for everyone u can find that has a perspective on what is going on there, there are other perspectives as well from educated and informed. It is not black & white.”(she then cited an influencer/source named Bari Weiss, who I later learned is a proud Genocidist/Zionist, who apparently received $500,000 from disgraced billionaire Harlon Crowe). Wow. How do you even respond to someone who is that closed minded and cocksure? Answer: You don’t. You can’t. I grew up in a household and community with White supremacists (one or two of whom I will always love…it is complicated), and I can tell you that it doesn’t matter how many times they are proven wrong, or what the facts are, or what history tells us, they are going to believe what they want to believe, regardless of the truth. I am reminded of a funny quote from an athletic coach, who once said, “he’s so far behind, he thinks he’s in the lead!”

I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. A few years ago, this same friend said that butter from cow’s milk was healthy. I laughed, thinking that she was joking, but when it was clear that she wasn’t, I asked for the “butter study” that would support her claim. My friend said that she didn’t need a “study” to know that butter from cow’s milk is good for you. Yikes.

For the record, butter and dairy products are amongst the least healthiest foods on the planet due to the cholesterol, animal protein (casein, the main protein in cow’s milk is carcinogenic), saturated fat, hormone and antibiotic residues, etc. (click here for a 5+ minute video on why dairy is scary). I don’t bring this up to disrespect my friend, but to illustrate another point, which centers around American culture. Americans are more deluded than ever, while also being less inclined than ever to read books. We live in a culture of slogans, cliches, sound bites, “Netizens”, influencers, and countless distractions, like consumerism and celebrity worship. Should we really be surprised to learn that fewer Americans are reading books? Lastly, my friend is not alone. I only have a few vegan friends in the US, and not one of them (as far as I know), is interested in the truth either regarding Israel’s US backed Genocide in Gaza. The scary part is that they are all, otherwise smart, compassionate, and delightful people. Yet for some reason(s), they CHOOSE to be silent, ignorant, or worse regarding Israel’s US backed GENOCIDE in Gaza.
Perhaps they need to be reminded that Silence = Violence = Complicity.

Click here to learn more from Noam Chomsky on Being Truly Educated: “It is not so much what we cover, but what we discover.”
Click here to learn more about why Americans consume too much saturated fat, such as butter, cheese, meat, chicken and eggs.
Click here to learn more about how butter, milk and dairy products make people sick.
Click here to learn more from the legendary biochemist, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, on why animal protein is so dangerous. 

How and why are so many Americans so grossly misinformed? Do you know that many months ago (2 months into Israel’s US backed Genocide in Gaza), the soulless US National Security Council spokes-puppet, John Kirby, claimed with a straight face, that it was Hamas, and not Israel, that was committing GENOCIDE. Here is an excerpt from a superb interview with Katie Halper, and Human Rights Attorney Noura Erakat, that exposes Kirby for his lies, as well as the US for its complicity in GENOCIDE.
As per Noura Erakat: “None of this Katie, none of it would be possible were it not for a deeply, deeply embedded anti-Palestinian racism. None of it would be possible also without Islamophobia. Because you couldn’t in your right mind hear this, and watch this, against any people, if you actually believed that they deserved to live, right? And that they were human, and then say, “yeah but war is ugly”, right? It’s precisely because of a crude cruel racism, right, that has created this expectation that Palestinians will die, and worse that they must die quietly! Otherwise they’re the aggressor, right, and yet here we have in response John Kirby (White House puppet John Kirby who claims that it is Hamas committing genocide). 790 Scholars have signed a statement in mid-October that said that this was genocide. A UN panel of experts also in mid-October agreed that this was genocide. Our petition to the ICC is one of three petitions, um, I think now to the ICC that has also charged Israel with genocide. Five states have now referred to the case to the office of of the prosecutor that this is genocide. So, it’s not clear to me what makes it NOT genocide. Nobody is explaining that to us. The only explanation that we’re given that it’s not genocide is that Israel should be allowed to do it. What other explanation have we gotten that it’s not genocide either? That Palestinians are not real civilians? And they’re all animals, and they deserve to die?”

Did you know that most racists don’t believe they’re racist? And that the same can be said of Jewish supremacists? I tried to share as many articles, links, and books as possible with my friend, including the recent study from the Lancet that has estimated that over 186,000 Palestinians have been murdered in Gaza (nearly half of whom are CHILDREN!). I also tried to explain how Israel continues to target and murder CHILDREN, doctors, journalists and their families, as well as destroy hospitals, libraries, museums, refugee camps, and “safe zones”. I then tried to spell out 75 years of ethnic cleansing and Israeli occupation, and how prior to October 7th, millions of Palestinians in Gaza were living in the largest CONCENTRATION CAMP in the world (Gaza no longer exists as it will take 10-15 years just to remove the rubble), while also enduring Israel’s extreme Apartheid, and mass murder campaigns for decades. But none of it mattered to my friend, just as none of it means anything to millions of Americans. Context and history matter, but not at all to Zionists and supporters of Israel. Again, too many people will believe what they want to believe, regardless of the truth and history (especially White & Jewish Supremacists). Interestingly, another friend of mine recently reminded me of how “colonial ideologies’, over time, negatively impact and destroy everything, including the minds of many in the “West” too.
Click here to learn more about how most people don’t know they are racist.
Click here to learn more about how most racists think that they are less racist than the average person.

Over 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and are one emergency away from financial ruin. Most of these people have a legitimate excuse for not keeping up on what’s happening in the world and push back against the LIES of Israel, the US government, and mainstream media. But what is the excuse for the millions of others, who are lucky enough to have the time, and the resources to dig for the truth, and to fight for justice?

Here are a few links and passages on the basics of Israel’s GENOCIDE for those who may not have the time to dig deeper. 
– Anatomy of a Genocide from the United Nations
Joe Biden’s Legacy is Genocide (Jewish Voice for Peace)
– Biden’s Legacy is Gaza Genocide (Palestinian Rights Advocates)
– The International Court of Justice finds Plausible Case for Genocide and Orders Israel to Prevent Genocidal Acts in Gaza
– Although the United States will continue to ignore International Law, and undermine the United Nations, this is still good news: The International Court of Justice declared Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem is unlawful, the settlements must be evacuated, and Palestinians must be compensated and allowed to return to their lands.
– Israel is not Complying with World Court Order in Genocide Case – Human Rights Watch

“Take the worst thing you can say about Hamas, multiply it by 1,000 times and it still will not meet the Israeli repression, and killing, and dispossession of Palestinians.” ~ Gabor Maté, Holocaust survivor

This definition of Zionism from Jewish Voice for Peace is really helpful (the UN equated Zionism with racism decades ago):
“While it had many strains historically, the Zionism that took hold and stands today is a settler-colonial movement, establishing an apartheid state where Jews have more rights than others. Our own history teaches us how dangerous this can be.
Palestinian dispossession and occupation are by design. Zionism has meant profound trauma for generations, systematically separating Palestinians from their homes, land, and each other. Zionism, in practice, has resulted in massacres of Palestinian people, ancient villages and olive groves destroyed, families who live just a mile away from each other separated by checkpoints and walls, and children holding onto the keys of the homes from which their grandparents were forcibly exiled…”
Click here to learn more from Jewish Voice for Peace.

Israel is a Lunatic State (from a previous blog post):
It is not just the genocidal Israeli government that is insane, but also the majority of Israel’s population. How crazy are they? According to Pew Research Center, only 4% of Jewish Israelis believe that Israel’s military operations in Gaza have gone too far.
The award winning Israeli journalist Gideon Levy shared three things that need to happen for Israel to be able to live with the occupation and Israel’s Genocide in Gaza:
1. Israelis must feel that they are the chosen people.
2. Israelis must see themselves as the victims
3. The dehumanization of Palestinians, which obviously you can’t really be okay with what Israel is doing, unless you see Palestinians as less than human.

“You can’t both sides Genocide.” – Abby Martin

For those who may still believe the countless LIES of the NY Times, the Biden Administration, US corporate media, and the state of Israel surrounding October 7th, here are a few excellent reports & sites that completely DEBUNK everything you have probably heard, and continue to hear! *Unfortunately, the damage was already done as most Americans sympathized with Israel after hearing its LIES, as well as those of Joe Biden, and the United States that “Israeli babies and teens were raped, murdered, beheaded and burned” on October 7th. 
– Israel’s leading paper says its own army deliberately killed Israelis on October 7. But in the U.S. media: Silence
The Intercept helps to expose the lies of the NY Times Regarding October 7th
– Mondoweiss: Zaka is not a Trustworthy Source for Allegations of Sexual Violence on October 7th
Electronic Intifada: NY Times “Investigation” of Mass Rape Falls Apart
Max Blumenthal of the Grayzone exposes the LIES of October 7th
October 7th Fact Check

Israel is a Hornets’ Nest of Evil Kept Alive by the United States

Here are a few more recent reports & videos that show how ruthless and disgusting Israel and the United States have become.
Click on each headline below to learn more about Israel’s US backed GENOCIDE in Gaza. 
– Israeli rape of detainees is the result of a society that sees Palestinians as ‘human animals’

– Israel Bombs Yet Another UN School in Gaza as It Enters Month 10 of Genocide
– At least 56 Palestinians killed across Gaza as Israel bombs two more schools in latest massacres
– Israeli Forces Have Killed 366 UN Workers and Family Members in Gaza: Leaked Report
– American Surgeon Who Volunteered in Gaza Says IDF Snipers Shoot Toddlers “No toddler gets shot twice by mistake”
– As nine Israeli soldiers face punishment for raping Palestinian prisoners, the US State Department isn’t sure if rape and torture count as war crimes. As per Katie Halper & Aaron Mate: “In Israel this week, protests have erupted after nine IDF soldiers were arrested for the rape and torture of Palestinian prisoners. No, they aren’t protesting the rape and torture, they’re protesting to free their soldiers. Israeli lawmakers then argued that rape is ‘legitimate’ in this case, and Israelis are tweeting things like this: It’s technically not rape, if the woman is a non-Jew.” This is the state of Israel today.”
– Israel’s War on Journalists: 108 Palestinian journalists have been targeted and murdered by Israel.
– Filmmaker Abby Martin Summing up Israel’s Fascist Society
– A “Masterclass” from Dr. Myriam Francois on the GENOCIDE in Gaza
– Green Party candidate Jill Stein “GOES OFF” on Reckless Israeli Aggression
A Palestinian journalist visited Ismail Haniyeh’s home in Gaza to report on his death. Israel assassinated him too.
Rapturous congressional applause greets war criminal Netanyahu
Israel assassinates leaders of Hamas and Hezzbolah, in an effort to spark a regional war
The Lancet estimates that over 186,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel’s US backed Genocide in Gaza.
Israel blows up a water treatment plant in Rafah that provides water to 50% of residents (270,000 people live(d) in Rafah.
Netanyahu protests lead to more bills targeting protesters
– Israel slams UN expert, accuses her of ‘anti-Semitism’ for comparing Netanyahu to Hitler
Gaza death toll could be as high as 600,000. Gaza’s official death toll is a lie. The casualty numbers are far, far higher.

“At this point, you are either advocating for Palestinians, or you are a sociopath.” – Author Susan Abulhawa (referencing a tweet)

Professor John J. Mearsheimer on War Criminal Netanyahu’s Grave Mistakes:
Question: “What is the geopolitical significance of Netanyahu’s rapturous reception by Congress?”
Professor Mearshimer: “Well, I think that most people around the world were not surprised by what happened. This isn’t the first time he appeared before a Congress and was treated like royalty. I mean, this has happened before. Most people around the world understand full well that basically the Israel lobby owns Congress and they can pretty much get anything they want. So it’s not surprising in that sense, but the fact is that it further embarrasses the United States. It makes us look like the world’s greatest hypocrites. We are always talking about international law, a rules-based system, and so forth and so on, the importance of human rights. And here you have a war criminal. He is a war criminal. He is a leader who is in charge of a genocidal campaign in Gaza, who is being wildly cheered by most of Congress. And this just does enormous damage to America’s reputation. And it will be a stain on our reputation for the foreseeable future, as it should be. What turned my stomach was my own conclusion that those people standing for him, they don’t represent me, they represent the donor class that got them elected.”

And this from Ralph Nader (and his team of researchers):
“The soldiers also know that the small Hamas militia of some 25,000 fighters hidden in tunnels, having only small arms with dwindling ammunition, is up against the 465,000–person military armed with 1,500 F-16 fighter pilots and nuclear weapons. The Israeli military is also equipped daily by Biden with the most modern weapons. All this makes Netanyahu’s absurd description of Hamas as an existential threat sheer propaganda designed to protect his job. The evidence is on the bloody body-strewn ground of tiny Gaza and its crowded 2.3 million people. The Israeli military has dropped over 100,000 precision bombs, countless artillery shells from hundreds of tanks, and even naval missiles to kill over 300,000 innocent Gazan civilians, mostly children, women and elderly, who had nothing to do with October 7th. (See also my March 5, 2024 column “Stop the Worsening UNDERCOUNT of Palestinian Casualties in Gaza”). Most of the remaining people in Gaza are sick, injured or both. (See the open letter to President Joe Biden and the U.S. Congress titled, “45 American Health Workers’ Letter on Their Experiences in Gaza” dated July 25, 2024.)Netanyahu’s drive to remain in power has stoked the carnage in Gaza. Despised by three out of four Israelis for earlier moving to weaken the judiciary, under indictment for political corruption by Israeli prosecutors, and soundly condemned for his defense failure on October 7th, ending this one-sided annihilation of defenseless people would mean the end of his political career. Consider what these soldiers have witnessed or done: Powerful precision bombs blowing to bits babies, children, pregnant women, refugee camps, apartments, schools, health clinics, hospitals, ambulances, water mains, and electricity networks; Families starving on genocidal orders from the Israeli military “no food, water, medicine, electricity, fuel”; and Homeless people trapped, unable to escape, surrender or shelter. The soldiers have seen their bulldozers flatten critical civilian infrastructure, even cemeteries and agricultural crops. F-16s have blown up universities, government buildings and many schools, mosques and historic churches. Snipers, among the most brutal of the army, kill patients in broken hospitals and survivors desperately try to pull their crushed families out from under the rubble.”
Click here for the entire piece from Ralph Nader.

“Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act.” – Albert Einstein

All children are our children. This isn’t complicated. After 10 months, if you still believe that Israel has the right to continue its GENOCIDE in Gaza, then you are either astonishingly ignorant, or a soulless maniac. Simple. Being ignorant is perfectly understandable, if you are just trying to pay the rent and put food on the table for your family (and you don’t have the time and energy to dig deeper), but it is completely abhorrent if you are choosing not to know, silence, or worse (which I am afraid is still the case for too many Americans). Over the last 10 MONTHS, Israel and the United States have continued their LYING and relentless bombing of a defenseless civilian population, which has resulted in the massacre of at least 186,000-300,000 Palestinians, most of whom are women and CHILDREN. Again, Israel, and the United States, have targeted hospitals, libraries, schools, museums, refugee camps, safe zones, toddlers, doctors, rescue workers, journalists (and their families), and even the drinking water of over 1 million Palestinian CHILDREN! During that same time period, more than 10 Palestinian kids per day have had to have at least one arm, or leg, amputated WITHOUT anesthesia! Israel and the United States are committing a F*cking GENOCIDE. How can the majority of American adults still pretend that nothing is happening, or continue to sympathize with Israel? Are we a shallow, soulless country or what? Shame, Shame, Shame on the United States of America! 

We are all flawed, and complicated, and I have gone back and forth on whether most people are good. Except for the inspiring student protesters, I find myself once again agreeing with the words of legendary author Kurt Vonnegut: “Albert Einstein and Mark Twain gave up on the human race at the end of their lives, even though Twain hadn’t even seen the First World War. War is now a form of TV entertainment…Like my distinct betters Einstein and Twain, I now give up on people too. I am a veteran of the Second World War and I have to say this is the not the first time I surrendered to a pitiless war machine.”

Unless thousands of Americans find their inner hero in the form of Vasili Arkhipov, and act accordingly, we are done. Having lost faith in people, Kurt Vonnegut also penned the following apology to future generations: “We could have saved the world, but we were just too damned lazy.” 

…And greedy, racist, narcissistic, smug, delusional, superficial, unconscionable, arrogant, and stupid.

Israel = Nazis = Evil = US “Leadership” = GENOCIDE

Free Palestine!

Additional Sources:
Click here for the UN Report: Palestinian detainees held arbitrarily and secretly, subjected to torture and mistreatment

Click here to learn how the US has donated half a billion dollars to the Phillipines to ratchet up tensions with China.
Click here to learn more about how the US is engaged in an Economic War with 1 in 3 countries in the world. 
Click here to learn more about a Holocaust survivor who has joined protests calling for a Ceasefire in Gaza.
Click here for the PBS short film on Soviet Officer & Hero Vasili Arkhipov.
Click here to learn more about the Vasili Arkhipov from the Guardian.
Click here for the video from the University of Cambridge: Arkhipov family awarded Future of Life award.
Click here to learn more from Jeffrey Sachs on how the US is subservient to Israel.
Click here to learn more from Jeffrey Sachs on how the last 5 US presidents have continued a path of “decline of the United States in international respect”.
Click here to watch DC and NYC police officers pepper spray peaceful protesters.
Click here to learn how thousands of Jewish Voice for Peace activists shut down the Capitol to protest Israel’s GENOCIDE.
Click here to learn more about the “Arrest Netanyahu” protest on July 24th in Washington, DC.
Click here to learn more about the DC protest from the Answer Coalition.
Click here for more on Biden staffers who resigned over Gaza saying US has destroyed Int’l law and endangered Americans.
Click here to learn more from Scott Ritter.
Click here to learn more about Kamala Harris, Israel, and the Biden Administration from Professor & Author Norman Finkelstein.
Click here to learn more from Michael F. Brown on Kamala Harris.
Click here to learn more from the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Click here to learn more from Marc Lamont Hill on Democracy Now!.
Click here for the piece from CODEPINK’s Ann Wright, Israel’s “Useful Idiots” are the U.S Congress and the Biden Administration.
Click here to learn more about Rashida Tlaib from Electronic Intifada.
Click here for Danaka Katovich’s entire piece from Common Dreams.
Click here to learn more about hasbara from the Electronic Intifada.
Click here to learn more about how Americans are reading fewer books than in the past.
Click here for the full interview from the Katie Halper Show.
Click here to learn more from Professor John Mearsheimer on the Judging Freedom podcast.


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