You are currently viewing One Year On: Israel & the US are the World’s Largest Agents of Terror as their Genocide in Gaza Continues

One Year On: Israel & the US are the World’s Largest Agents of Terror as their Genocide in Gaza Continues

(Notes on Israel’s US backed GENOCIDE in Gaza)

Israel = Nazis = US “Leadership” = Evil = US Corporate Media = GENOCIDE = World War III?

Background: Did you know that 62% of the US federal discretionary budget goes to military programs each year (over $1.54 TRILLION)? The United States is the biggest agent of TERROR of all time, and it has killed between 20-30 million innocent people, from 37 nations, since World War 2. And this AFTER it had dropped two atomic bombs on civilian populations in Japan, and committed countless crimes, including both slavery and genocide, for ages. 

I was proud to once again join our Palestinian brothers and sisters (and other allies), in Times Square last week to protest one year of GENOCIDE in Gaza. The last 12 months have been as dark as any in my lifetime, and I can’t imagine what it has been like for Palestinians. Over the last 365 days, I have lost both friendships, and a big chunk of what was left of my faith in humanity (and I am a lucky f*cker living in what is still regarded as the wealthiest country in the world). I once believed that a Genocide or Holocaust could never happen again on America’s watch because I believed that the majority of Americans would stand up for truth and justice. Boy, was I wrong. It has been stunning to witness the further decline of the US Empire abroad, and the slow, steady erosion of any sense of compassion or empathy at “home”. Due to illegal and unconscionable US and Israeli actions, and the deafening silence of most Americans, I believe that there is at least a 50% chance of a nuclear holocaust within the next 5 years. The potential end of civilization as we know it will be the direct result of US hegemony. Again, the United States would rather destroy ALL life, than give up on controlling All life.

“Israel is the entrenched, concentrated manifestation of Western imperialism. It’s got deep roots. It’s got the whole Western system behind it, that Western system which won’t let go. It will nuke China before it lets go of its global dominance. And in order to defeat it, it requires a very long-term struggle and intense calculation.” – Author & Professor Norman Finkelstein

How is that for a grim opening to a blog post?

Thankfully, there are reasons for hope. And once again, it’s the younger generation doing most of the heavy lifting.

Here are more notes and updates that I have collected over the last few months:

1. Professor & Author Norman Finkelstein on the one year anniversary of Israel’s US backed GENOCIDE in Gaza (Norman Finkelstein is the son of Holocaust survivors):
“I read this letter from sixty-five physicians from around the world who gave testimony as to what they observed. And every one of the physicians testified that the children who were coming into the hospital had bullet wounds to the skull or to the chest. No shrapnel. It wasn’t bombs and shrapnel. It was targeted, bullet wounds to the skull, and to the chest of children. What does that have to do with war? There were fifty-four disabled children who used the school in the convent complex. They fired two shells at it. What does that have to do with war?…Oxford’s dictionary defines genocide as the murder of a large number of people from a particular Nation or ethnic group, with the aim of destroying that Nation or group. And by that definition, you know, that’s what’s happening in Gaza. The war is secondary, obviously if you want to commit a genocide you want to take out the enemy forces because they’re an obstacle to achieving your goal, but defeating Hamas is simply a means to an end, the end is to solve the Gaza question…My mother, whenever she would hear mention of a war against the Jews, “what are you talking about? It wasn’t a war, it was an extermination”, she said, “we were cockroaches, they would Shine the Light on us and we would Scurry to this side, then they would Shine the Light here, and we’d Scurry to this side. We were cockroaches. They were exterminating us”…that language came to mind for me, because you see the Gazans scurrying here, and scurrying there. Go to the north, Go to the South, Go to Mawasi. Go, Go, Go, Go, always scurrying, scurrying, scurrying. It’s an extermination, and wherever they go, they get bombed. Wherever they go, they get bombed. It’s an extermination. It has nothing to do with war. So, as I said the moment it became classified as the Israel Hamas war, Israel won 90% of the propaganda battle. The only ones who understood what was happening were of course the South Africans. They went to the ICJ to say, this is a genocide. It’s not a war. And if you read their application, they never use language like a disproportionate attack. They don’t use language like, disproportionate. They don’t use language like, indiscriminate. They use language like they’re TARGETING the civilians…Israel is the entrenched, concentrated manifestation of Western imperialism. It’s got deep roots. It’s got the whole Western system behind it, that Western system which won’t let go. It will nuke China before it lets go of its global dominance. And in order to defeat it, it requires a very long-term struggle and intense calculation…The only thing I can say as a conclusion is you never know. You can only know one thing for certain: If you do nothing, it can only get worse.”

Mr. Finkelstein points out (as per the always excellent “Useful Idiots” podcast), that this is not, as Western and Israeli media claims, an “Israel-Hamas war.” This is not war. This is genocide. And Israel is not targeting Hamas; they are killing civilians, destroying civilian infrastructure, and picking off journalists, health workers, and CHILDREN.
Click here to learn more from the superb Katie Halper, Aaron Mate, and Useful Idiots team.

2. Kudos to Max Blumenthal, Sut Jhally, Ahmad Hassam, and their entire organization, for creating the powerful documentary, Atrocity Inc: How Israel Sells Its Destruction of Gaza. This 44+ minute video should be required viewing for everyone on the planet.
Film description: “Max Blumenthal rips the cover off the media deceptions and atrocity hoaxes Israel pushed after October 7 to create political space for its gruesome assault on the Gaza Strip. Blumenthal exposes the US mainstream media’s role as a megaphone for the Israeli government, introducing new lies even after their initial ones were debunked. Atrocity Inc raises serious questions about the official narrative of October 7, while revealing how Israel’s army has consciously engaged in the same hideous atrocities which it falsely accused Palestinian militants of committing.”
“Israel has become a comprehensively sick Society with masses of citizens primed for the destruction of Palestine but you’d never know it if you limited yourself to consuming old Legacy Media…”
Click here for a link to Atrocity Inc: How Israel Sells its Destruction of Gaza.

3. “A Horrifying Undercount” According to Ralph Nader, Israel’s US backed GENOCIDE in Gaza has killed over 300,000 Palestinians (70% of whom are women and CHILDREN)!
As per Democracy Now!: Ralph Nader says that the true cost in Palestinian lives could already be “well over 300,000,” and that “if the true count was known, it would devastate the mythology that the Biden administration and Congress are furthering, that the Israeli government does not purposely target civilian populations, and, therefore, violate all kinds of U.S. laws, conditioning the shipment of weapons to Israel, and international laws.”
“Amy, this is a horrifying undercount, and it has political rationale for it. If the true count was known, it would devastate the mythology that the Biden administration and Congress are furthering, that the Israeli government does not purposely target civilian populations and, therefore, violate all kinds of U.S. laws, conditioning the shipment of weapons to Israel, and international laws. So, I put together in this article in the Capitol Hill Citizen , of the various probative evidence that shows that experts, who are blocked from getting additional data that the State Department has and is keeping secret — that the evidence shows that it’s well over 300,000. And it may double by the end of the year. In an article in The Guardian by the distinguished chair of global public health at the University of Edinburgh titled “Scientists are closing in on the true, horrifying scale of death and disease in Gaza,” she estimates over 300,000 before the end of the year, pointing out, with The Lancet report that you mentioned, that The Lancet people used a very — quote, “used a very conservative estimate, but allowed that the number could easily be much higher.” And so, why is this happening? Why are all sides, the anti-genocide side, the Israeli, the Hamas — why are they always using these figures? Because, for different reasons, it serves their political purposes. Hamas doesn’t want the true count to be known, because it will be assailed by its own people and its international allies as unable to protect its own people and provide shelters. Netanyahu, of course, wants it lowballed for obvious reasons, and Biden for the same reason…”
Learn more from DN!.
Learn more from the Guardian.

4. “Israel has killed two babies under the age of one, every single day since October 7th…they (Israelis) left babies in incubators to die. What kind of people do that?” – Filmmaker Abby Martin
“The Israeli army has killed 2,100 Palestinian infants and toddlers under the age of two, out of the about 17,000 children it has killed in the Gaza Strip since the start of its genocide on 7 October 2023. The number of Palestinian children—whether infants or children in general—killed by the Israeli army is horrifying, and the rate of their killing is unprecedented in the history of modern wars. It also represents a dangerous trend based on the dehumanisation of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Israel’s military targets Palestinians and their children daily, methodically, and widely in the most heinous and brutal ways possible, and virtually without pause for 10 consecutive months. Due to the Israeli bombing of homes, buildings, residential neighbourhoods, shelter centres, and displacement tents, many children have lost their heads and limbs. This is a flagrant violation of the rules of distinction, proportionality, military necessity, i.e. the legal and moral obligation to take the necessary precautions to minimise the deaths of civilians and children…Every day, infant deaths in the Gaza Strip are reported as a direct result of Israeli crimes that are legally classified as acts of genocide, including starvation, thirst, blocking the entry of basic supplies like milk, and deprivation of medical care. The majority of these infant deaths are not included in the official victim count released by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, as there is no specific system to identify such victims. Due to Israel’s crime of genocide, ongoing for the past 10 months, Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip are being denied their fundamental rights and are not being protected in any way by international law. They have become primary, direct, and deliberate targets of the Israeli army, and have even been subject to premeditated killings and direct executions. Aside from being arbitrarily detained, Palestinian children have also been the victims of crimes of sexual assault; forced disappearance; torture and other forms of inhumane treatment; starvation; siege; severe psychological harm; deprivation of education due to the widespread destruction of schools; and denial of access to healthcare and other necessities of life. Many Palestinian children are also victims of family dispersion, and have lost parental care. One of the main objectives of Israel’s genocide is to leave a lasting legacy of these crimes that will affect the victims for the rest of their lives. The majority of Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip have experienced psychological trauma that will likely be difficult to treat: Thousands of children have lost one or both parents; have had limbs amputated; have suffered severe burns or other serious injuries; and/or have suffered from hunger, malnutrition, and dehydration; all of which will have a detrimental impact on their physical and psychological development…”
Click here to learn more from Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor.

“I believe that democracy has so far disappeared in the United States that no ‘two evils’ exist. There is but one evil party with two names, and it will be elected despite all I can do or say.” – W.E.B. Du Bois (1956)

5. Donald Trump is a racist, moronic, lifetime criminal, and is of course repulsive. But so too is Kamala Harris.

“Trump is the worst criminal in history.” – Noam Chomsky

“Donald Trump is unfit, he’s unqualified, he doesn’t know anything, he’s a con artist, he’s a criminal, he’s a judicially determined rapist…Trump has been a dangerous criminal for his whole life.” – Pulitzer Prize Winning Author David Cay Johnston

Donald Trump has threatened to murder millions of innocent people and blow Iran “to smithereens”, because he feels, without proof, personally slighted. How broken is the United States, when the best that it can offer at this stage in its “evolution”, is Lifetime Criminal Trump, and War Criminals/Genocidists, Biden & Harris?

Excerpts from Common Dreams:
“Trump Condemned for Genocidal Threat to Destroy Iran…Former U.S. President Donald Trump’s threat on Wednesday to blow Iran “to smithereens” if he returns to power was condemned by a leading Iranian American advocacy group as “genocidal.”
Trump—the 2024 Republican nominee—addressed a campaign rally in North Carolina on Wednesday after he was reportedly briefed about alleged Iranian assassination threats against him. “If I were the president, I would inform the threatening country—in this case, Iran—that if you do anything to harm this person, we are going to blow your largest cities and the country itself to smithereens,” he said to raucous applause. “We’re gonna blow it to smithereens, you can’t do that. And there would be no more threats.” Responding to the former president’s remarks, the National Iranian American Council (NIAC) said in a statement that “Trump’s threat to blow Iran’s largest cities and the country itself ‘to smithereens’ is an outrageous threat that should be widely condemned as psychotic and genocidal.”
Learn more from Common Dreams.

Kamala Harris has been complicit in Israel’s US backed GENOCIDE in Gaza for the last 12 months (as per the Lancet: nearly 200,000 Palestinians have been murdered since October 7th, 70% of whom are women and children). Kamala Harris is a war criminal, and she is now celebrating the endorsement from another WAR CRIMINAL, Dick Cheney. A vote for Harris is a vote for GENOCIDE. We are all flawed, but if you care about Truth and Justice, please consider Jill Stein or Dr. Cornell West. Again, a vote for Harris rewards GENOCIDE.

Please consider voting for Green Party candidates Jill Stein and Butch Ware in the 2024 US Presidential election.
Click here to learn more about Jill Stein & Butch Ware.

6. Kudos to a true journalist, Liam Cosgrove from the Grayzone, for exposing the US for its endless War Crimes, and standing up for Truth & Justice! Thank you Liam!
Click here for the video.

7. I LOVE Palestine Children’s Relief Fund ( I have been supporting them for over ten years, and they receive a 4 out of 4 star rating on Charity Navigator. Please consider standing up for truth and justice, and donate today!
Click here to learn more.

8. CODEPINK always inspires!
Click here to watch a compilation of CODEPINK’s excellent work over the last year (one year of resistance of Genocide in Gaza).
Click here to learn more about their latest demonstration.

9. NYC Mayor Eric Adams is yet another egregiously corrupt, and unconscionable, US politician. The NYC mayor’s silence on the Armenian genocide mirrors his refusal to condemn Israel’s GENOCIDE in Gaza.
“Adams’s silence on the Armenian genocide mirrors his refusal to condemn Israel’s genocide in Gaza or call for a ceasefire. Instead, Adams has voiced unwavering support for Israel, even as human rights organizations, international bodies, and over 800 scholars and genocide experts warn that Israel’s military actions in Gaza — including mass killings, bombing schools and the destruction of civilian infrastructure — meet the legal threshold for genocide under international law. “We have an unbreakable bond, New York and Israel, and we’re going to continue to build on that,” Adams once said. “And I am blessed to continue to do so as the mayor.” In May, a WhatsApp chat between several billionaires and business titans — including former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz; Dell founder and CEO Michael Dell; and Joshua Kushner, brother of Jared Kushner — was leaked, showing they pressured Adams to crack down on pro-Palestinian protests at Columbia University. Students had occupied Hamilton Hall and renamed it Hind’s Hall in honor of Hind Rajab, a 6-year-old Palestinian girl who was viciously killed by Israeli military forces in Gaza earlier that year. A member of the WhatsApp group informed The Washington Post that he had contributed $2,100, the maximum allowable amount under the law, to Adams that month…”
Click here to learn more from TRUTHOUT.
Click here to learn more about the corruption, and “historic” indictment, of NYC Mayor Eric Adams.

10. Jewish Voice for Peace: “After a year of genocide against Palestinians, Israel is waging a campaign of terror and destruction that has brought the entire region ever closer to a state of all-out war.”
“Following the Israeli government’s decimation, ethnic cleansing, and ground invasion into south Lebanon, the Iranian government yesterday launched hundreds of ballistic missiles at Israel. This ongoing escalation brings us even closer to a devastating war across the region that makes every single person less safe. A year of impunity for Israeli genocide has landed us here. The U.S. government’s refusal to impose any consequences for Israel’s crimes against humanity has meant that the Israeli government feels it has free rein to keep escalating and expanding its destruction. This week, Israel bombed Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen in a single day. This latest escalated assault has already displaced approximately one million people in Lebanon, and risks killing even more men, women, and children. Meanwhile, the U.S. continues to back this catastrophe.”
Click here to learn more from Jewish Voice for Peace.

11. Israel claims to act in a state of self-defense against Lebanon – Bloomberg data suggests otherwise. Since October 7, Israel has regularly fired many more rockets over the border.

IMAGE – Israeli Attacks greatly outnumber Hezbollah responses.

12. Mondoweiss: “Israel’s onslaught against the Palestinian people has systematically targeted children in both Gaza and the West Bank. The result is a war against an entire generation.”
“This is to say nothing of the systematic killing of children throughout the war — UN chief Antonio Guterres said Gaza had become a “graveyard for children” only a month into the genocidal war. Added to that are the long-term mental and health effects children will experience as a result of exposure to disease, chronic malnutrition, and relentless violenceOn July 29, the Gaza-based Ministry of Education announced that 39,000 high school students from the Gaza Strip did not take the Tawjihi exam this year, with 10,000 of them killed alongside 400 school teachers. The Government Media Office said that since the beginning of the war on Gaza, the Israeli army had completely destroyed 125 schools and universities and partially destroyed 336 schools and universities. The assault on education is mirrored in the genocidal onslaught on all other sectors that make society in Gaza function, from healthcare to food systems to waste management facilities. But one of the most insidious parts of targeting the educational sector is that it aims to erase children’s future…”
Learn more from Mondoweiss.

13. If US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was held to the same standards as the Nazis at Nuremberg, he would be HANGED.
“Israel Deliberately Blocked Humanitarian Aid to Gaza, Two Government Bodies Concluded. Antony Blinken Rejected Them. Blinken told Congress, “We do not currently assess that the Israeli government is prohibiting or otherwise restricting” aid, even though the U.S. Agency for International Development and others had determined that Israel had broken the law…”

Image: A relative holds the body of a 4-year-old Palestinian girl who died of malnutrition. The U.N. has declared a famine in parts of Gaza.
Click here to learn more from Pro Publica.

14. US corporate media’s leading cheerleaders for War and Genocide, like CNN’s Jake Tapper & Dana Bash, are War Criminals too, and should be held accountable.
Here is another outstanding piece from Mondoweiss’ Craig Mokhiber.
“The ruthlessness of the Israeli genocide machine in Palestine, and the direct complicity of the U.S., UK, and other Western governments are two key pillars in the horrors being perpetrated against the Palestinian people (and in the attacks on human rights defenders around the globe). But there is an essential third pillar: the role of complicit Western media corporations knowingly disseminating Israeli disinformation and propaganda, justifying war crimes and crimes against humanity, dehumanizing Palestinians, and blacking out information on the genocide in the West. From the perspective of international human rights law, such actions could and should be subject to sanctions. And there are historical precedents…Indeed, if your only source of information is mainstream Western media, you may have no idea that Israel is on trial for genocide in the World Court or that Israel’s leaders are the subject of arrest warrant requests for crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court. It is likely that you have never heard the numerous statements of genocidal intent by the Israeli President, Prime Minister, cabinet ministers, and military commanders. You will likely still believe the stories of beheaded Israeli babies (long proven to be fabricated) and be unaware of the many Palestinian babies who actually have been beheaded. You will almost certainly not know of the systematic killing of Palestinian civilians, children, infants, women, older persons, persons with disabilities, and others. You will be unaware of the torture camps, the systematic rape of detainees, and the Israeli snipers targeting small children in Gaza. And you may not even know that Israel now holds the world records for the murder of journalists, of aid workers, of UN officials, and of healthcare workers. Instead, transparently false Israeli disinformation and propaganda are regularly and uncritically published in Western media to justify war crimes, dehumanize Palestinians, and distract the public from the daily atrocities committed in Israel’s campaign of extermination. Stories covering the genocide are censored. The voices of Palestinians and human rights defenders are suppressed. Reporters are instructed not to mention “occupied territory”, “Palestinians”, or “refugee camps.” Those Palestinian civilian victims who are not erased entirely are reduced to “collateral damage” or “human shields” at best, or “terrorists” at worst. In massacre after massacre, Palestinians in headlines are not killed by Israel, they simply “die.” In the rule book of Western corporate media, there is no genocide, only a war of self-defense. And history started on October 7. Absent is any coverage of the context of 76 years of ethnic cleansing, persecution, mass imprisonment, gross violations of human rights and apartheid. In sum, western media companies have made themselves a part of the mechanism of genocide in Palestine. Absent real accountability, these influential actors will continue to abuse their power, thereby trampling on the human rights of any people who fall on the wrong side of the line between those supported by these companies, and those who they choose to denigrate and dehumanize…Regardless of what happens in the halls of justice, it is certain that these media outlets will eventually be held accountable in the court of public opinion. For defenders of human rights and people everywhere who care about holding power to account, this process is urgent. And, in fact, it has already begun. The cresting wave of public criticism of the blatant bias demonstrated by Western media during this genocide has forced some companies to begin to adjust their reporting, however slightly. This proves that change can happen if agents of change are mobilized. There is strength in speaking out, in supporting independent media, and in the boycott. As a first step, all those who care should unsubscribe from these outlets, both print and broadcast, switch to independent media sources, and encourage other to do the same. To again quote Judge Pillay in the Rwanda decision: “The power of the media to create and destroy fundamental human values comes with great responsibility. Those who control such media are accountable for its consequences”. The task of ensuring that accountability falls, ultimately, on all of us.”
Click here to learn more from Mondoweiss.

*The US corporate media (CNN, FOX, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc.) has been guilty of war crimes for decades. Their never-ending “cheerleading for war” segments, and ongoing lies, create a culture of ignorance, fear, and hatred. And yet, not a single mainstream media executive, or personality, has ever been held accountable. And yes there is precedent (as per the Holocaust Encyclopedia, “Nazi propagandist and newspaper owner Julius Streicher was hanged on October 16, 1946 for his influential role in inciting hatred and violence. The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg indicted Streicher on count four, crimes against humanity. Streicher was found guilty and sentenced to death”).

15. How does Israel’s US backed GENOCIDE, and illegal US ongoing Wars continue? Look no further than the willfully ignorant, and mostly soulless culture of the U.S. If we lived in a just world, dozens of wealthy, influential media personalities would be tried for war crimes too.
Shame on pro-establishment radio personality, Howard Stern, for being a GENOCIDE supporter, and kissing the ass of Joe Biden in an attempt to normalize Biden’s countless war crimes. Howard Stern is a Jewish Supremacist, who famously called peace activist, and Pink Floyd founder, Roger Waters, a “F*ckhead”, for speaking out against Israel’s War Crimes, and Crimes against humanity. Clearly, it is Stern who is the true F*ckhead. Howard Stern had the GENOCIDAL monster, Joe Biden, on his program earlier this year, and had the audacity to call Biden a man of “compassion”, and the “kind of leader that (Stern) loves”. Stern, in his infinite stupidity, then called Biden the “father of our country…who stood up to Putin”, which made me want to Puke-in! Stern once bragged about hating to read, and it is clear that he probably hasn’t read a book in decades. Roughly, 20-30 years ago, Howard Stern was a pioneering, anti-establishment, LGBTQ supporting shock jock, who seemed authentic, and was a great interviewer. We are all flawed, but overall, he seemed cool. Unfortunately, as he made more money, and became far more pro-establishment, and pro-military (he consistently supported Israel’s ongoing massacres and oppression of Palestinians, and started doing fluff pieces with war criminals like Hillary Clinton), he slowly started to lose his soul, his sense of humor, and eventually, his humanity too. I stopped listening to Stern over ten years ago due in part to his ignorance on history, and politics, but mostly because of his ongoing support of Israel’s crimes against humanity (Stern was serious when he once called for using nuclear weapons against Iraq, or Iran, I forget. Apparently Stern wants it that way as I couldn’t find anything about it online). In other words, Howard Stern slowly morphed into a dangerous dummy, who has somehow amassed a fortune that now exceeds $800 million. Yikes. This may not seem like a big deal, but Howard Stern has over 20 million listeners, and his fan base is extremely loyal, and obedient. Scary stuff. So yeah, shame on Howard Stern for being a GENOCIDE supporting F*ckhead. Unfortunately, Stern is not alone. US corporate media, and pro-GENOCIDE, establishment celebrities, like Bill Maher (net worth, $180 million), Stephen Colbert (net worth, $75 million), Seth Meyers ($30 million), Jimmy Kimmel ($50 million), and countless others (including the entire cast of Saturday Night Live), are also guilty of supporting US War Crimes, and Israel’s US backed GENOCIDE in Gaza. 
*Update: Radio host Howard Stern was once again fawning over a War Criminal, and GENOCIDIST, in Kamala Harris (est. net worth $10 million), and nobody blinked an eye. I only read the reports, as I haven’t been able stomach any of it for years, but apparently, the “pro-status quo (Genocide)” Stern, gushed during a recent interview with Kamala Harris, and told his audience that he “hates” seeing people make fun of her. Again, I know that most Americans don’t want to hear it, but Howard Stern, and his entire lot, have been guilty, for years, of normalizing and promoting mass murder, and GENOCIDE. 
Click here to learn more from Breaking Points.
Click here to learn more.

16. Margaret Kimberly (Black Agenda Report), on the pro-establishment, pro-GENOCIDE, former radical feminist, Angela Davis: “There Are Very Few True Revolutionaries. Allowing ourselves to pretend that Angela Davis is among them is a grave mistake.
“…It is inexplicable that Davis would claim that Obama emerged victorious in 2008 “despite the power of money .” Obama raised $750 million in his presidential campaign that year. His war chest was so full that he was able to reverse his pledge to seek public campaign financing, unlike his opponent John McCain, who raised a mere $238 million from donors and $38 million in public financing. Surely Dr. Davis was capable of researching the same easily accessible information. Yet she insisted on making claims that are plainly untrue. Davis’ recent comments diminish her and show that she has become just another acolyte of Democratic Party policy. “It’s not just about electing Kamala Harris. … it’s about opening space for those of us who are more radical than Kamala Harris to put anti-capitalist and anti-racist programs forward and increase the pressure for change, especially in the first place when it comes to the genocide being inflicted on the people of Palestine.“ Her comments border on outright delusion. Kamala Harris brags about the republicans who support her and “welcomes” an endorsement from Dick Cheney. She pledges to include a republican in her cabinet while saying nothing about including more progressive democrats. How would anti-capitalist and anti-racist programs be put forward under such an administration? This columnist advised ignoring Davis altogether when she declared support for Hillary Clinton in 2016: “I’m not so narcissistic to say that I wouldn’t vote for her.” The defensive and embarrassed tone of the comment was obvious, as if Davis couldn’t bring herself to be clear about her choice to vote for the war criminal who destroyed Libya and insisted that Haiti redo an election in order to get her desired result…She supported Biden and Harris despite calling them both “problematic ” while concluding, “It’s really a question of who we will be able to pressure.” There is no evidence of Angela Davis doing anything to pressure Biden or Harris on any issue. The failure of political imagination afflicts the casual voter and the erstwhile radical icon too, who pop up in election years to declare their surrender to the forces they otherwise claim to oppose. No one is above reproach, regardless of their history. Those who remember the days of the “Free Angela” movement may be stunned by her ongoing slide into political irrelevancy. Yet that is the position that Angela Davis has chosen for herself. Now she offers empty nostalgia, political confusion, and cautionary tales about heroes with feet of clay. It seems that ignoring Angela Davis is still a sensible decision.”
Click here to learn more from Popular Resistance.

17. Pure lunacy. US escalates new cold war on China: Congress passes 25 anti-Chinese laws in 1 week, funds propaganda
Again, the United States is the biggest agent of TERROR in the world, and the greatest THREAT to the survival of our species. China is not our enemy, but it soon will be due to the MADNESS of the United States. The United States currently has 902 military bases worldwide, with hundreds surrounding China (the US outspends the next ten countries combined on its military, including both Russia and China). How many overseas military bases does China have? 0-8.
“Among the bills passed during September 2024’s “China Week” was the “Countering the PRC Malign Influence Fund Authorization Act”, which would give $1.63 billion to the State Department and USAID over five years ($325 million each year from 2023 through 2027) in order to fund organizations that spread anti-China propaganda around the world.”
Click here to learn more from the Geopolitical Economy Report. 
Click here to learn more.
Click here to learn more about Genocidist, and War Criminal, Antony Blinken.
Click here to learn more.
Click here to learn more about the 25 anti-Chinese laws that were passed by Congress.

And so it begins – to escalate. I am thinking of the billions of smiling children around the world today who may be eviscerated in a nuclear war over the next few years because we Americans can’t get our sh*t together, and hold US officials, and corporate media types accountable for their war crimes. The US playbook for war is in full swing with China, as the US government & corporate media have been demonizing China for years (in an effort to manufacture hate & dumb down Americans), while the US war machine has encircled China with 300 of its 902 overseas military bases. Who is the real threat, and true aggressor? Can you imagine if the situation was reversed, and China had 300 military bases surrounding the US with missiles pointed at major US cities? (again, China has only 8 overseas military bases at the moment).
Click here to learn more about how 3 out of 4 Chinese Americans have faced racial discrimination in the last year.
Learn more from CODEPINK.

18. “If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post World War II American president would have been hanged.” – Noam Chomsky
Professor Noam Chomsky explains in just 11 minutes how every US president since WWII has committed war crimes. Apparently, the video was recorded in 2003, so the equally indictable crimes of Obama, Trump, and Biden are not included. 
Click here to learn more from Noam Chomsky.
Click here for the video.

19. “Technology is a neutral force. It serves whoever controls it.” – Chris Hedges
AI technology can be frightening as it is used by the US and Israeli militaries to massacre countless civilians around the world via ongoing surveillance & terror campaigns, illegal wars, and Genocide.
Click here to learn more from Democracy Now!.
Click here to learn more from Mondoweiss.
Click here to learn more from Electronic Intifada about Israel’s high tech GENOCIDE.
Click here to learn more from Chris Hedges & Loretta Napoleoni.

Having said that, here is a link to an AI search tool that a young student recommended to me recently that works really well.
Click here for the search tool called “chatgpt”.

20. “Israel is turning northern Gaza into a killing cage. With international media coverage shifting to potential war with Iran, Israel is intensifying its campaign to obliterate the Palestinians of Gaza” – Dropsite News
“With the full support of the Biden administration, Israel is waging a merciless war of extermination against the 400,000 Palestinians remaining in the northern Gaza Strip as the government of Benjamin Netanyahu is reportedly considering a plan to annex the territory. No food, water, or medicine have entered the north since October 1 as Israeli forces have conducted a campaign of intense airstrikes and ground forces have invaded and encircled much of the area.” – Jeremy Scahil & Sharif Abdel Kouddous
Click here to learn more from Dropsite News.

21. “At this point, you are either advocating for Palestinians, or you are a sociopath.” – Author Susan Abulhawa
Israel & US “leadership” are pure evil. Here is a video of an Israeli attack on displaced civilians living in TENTS. Israel’s latest mass murder assault burned Palestinians ALIVE, and occurred on the grounds of the Al Aqsa HOSPITAL. Again, it is estimated that the US backed Israeli GENOCIDE has now killed over 300,000 Palestinians, 70% of whom are women and CHILDREN.
Click here to learn more (video may not play due to censorship).

22. Finally, some good news. Hibakusha group receives Nobel Peace Prize for “demonstrating through witness testimony that nuclear weapons must never be used again”

“In Gaza, bleeding children are being held by their parents. It’s like in Japan 80 years ago.” – Toshiyuki Mimaki, the co-chair of Nihon Hidankyo, which won the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize (he wept when he spoke)

As per the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists: “The Norwegian Nobel Committee has awarded this year’s Nobel Peace Prize to the Japanese organization Nihon Hidankyo, a grassroots movement formed by survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings and nuclear weapons testing (or Hibakusha), “for its efforts to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons and for demonstrating through witness testimony that nuclear weapons must never be used again.”
Click here to learn more from Democracy Now!.
Click here to learn more from the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.

23. “Zionism will be looked upon by Jewish history, as one of the greatest disasters in Jewish history.” – Gabor Mate
“As a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust, why would I not believe in a Jewish State? I don’t feel guilty about that. And since I’ve been opposing it for decades now, why would I feel guilty about that? So, it’s not a question of guilt, it’s a question of Rage. It’s a question of outrage, and the problem is that the outrage is helpless, because your government, and my government here in Canada, and all the Western governments, all the post colonial legacy governments are supporting this current ethnic cleansing and colonial perpetration…So, the proper response is not guilt. The proper response is how can we channel our rage, and healthy rage, and I’m afraid that’s where we run into trouble because apart from providing support, whatever material support we can give to the Palestinians, apart from providing moral support, apart from speaking the truth, we also have to accept that that we are helpless in the sense that all the conversations that you’ve had with the wonderful people that you’ve had on your program, Ilan Pappe, and others, all the talks that I’ve been giving, they’ve not saved the single life of a single Palestinian infant. And in the short term they’re not going to. And so the question is, do we stay silent, or can we continue to talk, make a contribution, hopefully to wake people up in the long term…I just had a tour in Europe and I can tell you, I met people everywhere who have the same feeling, not the majority perhaps, the majority have a way of distancing themselves from reality, and they care more about which football team wins the next game than what’s happening in some other part of the world. But everywhere, I met people whose Hearts were broken, and it’s good to be in touch with other people whose hearts are broken. Let our hearts be broken together. But beyond that let’s just feel what we feel. Don’t try and push it down…” – Physician and Author Gabor Mate
Click here for the full interview.

Just how far does US criminality go? US Child Poverty levels nearly TRIPLED between 2021 and 2023. Meanwhile, the US gave Israel over $18 BILLION in 2023 ($3.8 billion in annual “aid”, plus $14.5 billion in supplemental “aid”), so that it could continue to target and murder countless Palestinian CHILDREN, and civilians, in its ongoing GENOCIDE (the evil of all evils). 

Let’s not forget too that homelessness in America is at record highs, and 1 in 4 children living in NYC are food insecure.
The US is indeed a criminal state that is run by corporations.
Click here to learn more from the superb journalist Stephen Semler.
Click here to learn more from the US Department of Housing & Urban Development.
Click here to learn more from the Coalition for the Homeless.
Click here to learn more from the Food Bank for NYC.

Israel is a cowardly state that has targeted and murdered countless Palestinian CHILDREN, and civilians for over 75 years. The United States and Israel continue to commit a GENOCIDE, that has now likely killed over 300,000 Palestinians. They are also, by far, the two biggest threats to the survival of our species. Other than animal suffering, and taking care of your family and loved ones, how can you write or care about anything else? The world is on fire.

“Even if we transport all the bombs to the moon, the roots of war and the roots of bombs are still there, in our hearts and minds, and sooner or later we will make new bombs. To work for peace is to uproot war from ourselves and from the hearts of men and women.”
– Thich Nhat Hanh

Until next time…

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