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Imagine Vegan Cafe, Memphis, TN

The Imagine Vegan Cafe in Memphis, TN is a wonderful stop, as I had the great pleasure of meeting the owners, Kristie and Adam Jeffrey, and their beautiful family. I asked my server Jolene for a knock out dish that customers love, and she suggested “The Vegan Memphis Sandwich Platter”, which USA Today called one of the best BBQ sandwiches in the United States. I wouldn’t call the dish health food, but rather a guilty pleasure, that doesn’t disappoint! The BBQ is wheat and soy based, and served with vegan slaw. The platter also includes vegan fries and a generous serving of savory baked beans that were seasoned just right. Kristie explained that they had survived the pandemic and reopened their doors only a few weeks ago. The entire Jeffrey clan and their staff were a pure delight, as was the food. The Bottom line? Highly Recommended of course!  🙂
The Jeffreys & Team: Kristie, Adam, Madalynne, Aspen, Sierra, Aidan, and Jolene

Click here for the “Imagine Cafe Vegan Cafe” website.  

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