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Eat More Soy!

Eat soy regularly! There still seems to be a lot of confusion around soy and its relationship to breast cancer. Since 2009, studies have confirmed that soy is safe and beneficial to consume. Dr. Kristi Funk advocates for 2-3 servings of soy daily, but even one and a half servings a week will decrease breast cancer risk by about 60%. Tip: Choose organic soy to avoid GMOs, and fermented soy products like tempeh, miso, tamari, and natto over processed soy foods.
Pink Lotus: “One of the largest studies in this area comes from the Shanghai Women’s Health Study. They looked at the diets of more than 73,000 Chinese women and concluded that there is “strong evidence of a protective effect of soy food intake against premenopausal breast cancer.” Another study looked at the diets of Asian women living in the United States and found that soy consumption starting from an early age resulted in the strongest reduction of breast cancer.”

Click here for an article on soy facts from the Food Revolution Network. 

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