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Open Letter: Silence = Complicity, in Israel’s US Backed Genocide in Gaza

(Notes on Israel’s US backed GENOCIDE in Gaza)

“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” – Albert Einstein 

I was proud to contribute to another open letter that exposes the Vegan movement’s continued SILENCE on Israel’s Genocide in Gaza. The letter was sent to 45 Vegan influencers, and despite receiving only 2 responses, it still felt good to work with other like minded people who inspire. The Vegan movement lost the moral high ground a long time ago, when it REFUSED to speak out against Israel’s GENOCIDE, and has now become even more cartoonish, as it continues to be silent (or worse), while some of its leaders, like Dr. Sailesh Rao, suggest that speaking out against Israel’s US backed GENOCIDE, would only “divide and conquer the Vegan movement.” Can you imagine the cajones it takes to write such a thing? I am sure that the hundreds of thousands of murdered Palestinians, and their families, who are currently under siege and only trying to SURVIVE Israel’s GENOCIDE, would greatly appreciate Dr. Rao’s asinine perspective. WTF? Sailesh Rao (who may be a few clowns short of a circus), either refuses to know the Truth, or supports GENOCIDE. Either way, he is complicit. He is yet another pretender, as is anyone who professes compassion for all beings, while also remaining silent on Israel’s GENOCIDE in Gaza. It has been my experience, that when push comes to shove, the vast majority of  Vegan “influencers”, are phony-baloney cowards. In fact, I am not aware of a single “leader” in the movement, who has spoken out against Israel’s Genocide (the evil of all evils), in a meaningful way. Unfortunately,  due to decades of corporate capitalism, and propaganda, American culture itself is no different, as it continues to normalize ignorance, hypocrisy, greed, cruelty, and silence as well. 

And what are we to make of the SILENCE of most Americans? According to Pulitzer Prize winning author Chris Hedges, “There is a cost to denouncing this genocide, a cost they do not intend to pay. They fear being attacked. They fear destroying their careers. They fear losing funding. They fear a loss of status. They fear persecution. They fear social isolation. This fear makes them complicit. And what of those who do speak out? They are branded as antisemites and supporters of terrorism.”

Author Robert Jay Lifton, in his book, “The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide”, wrote that “genocidal projects require the active participation of educated professionals, physicians, scientists, engineers, military leaders, lawyers, clergy, university professors and other teachers, who combine to create not only the technology of genocide but much of its ideological rationale, moral climate, and organizational process.”

As per Chris Hedges, “The deans of U.S. medical schools and leading medical organizations, especially the American Medical Association (AMA), have joined the ranks of universities, law schools, churches and the media to turn their backs on the Palestinians. The AMA shut down a debate on a ceasefire resolution among its members and has called for “medical neutrality,” although it abandoned “medical neutrality” to denounce Russia’s invasion of Ukraine…A group of 100 Israeli doctors in November 2023 defended the bombing of hospitals in Gaza, claiming they were used as Hamas command centers, a charge Israel has been unable to verify. George Washington University clinical psychology professor Lara Sheehi was pushed out of her job. The former head of Human Rights Watch, Kenneth Roth, was denied a fellowship at Harvard’s Carr Center for Human Rights Policy because of his alleged “anti-Israel bias.” San Francisco professor Rabab Abdulhadi was sued for supporting Palestinian rights. Shahd Abusalama was suspended from Sheffield Hallam University in the U.K after a vicious smear campaign, although the institution later settled her discrimination claim against it. Professor Jasbir Puar at Rutgers University is an ongoing target for the Israel lobby and endures constant harassment. Medical students and faculty in Canada face suspension or expulsion if they publicly criticize Israel. The danger is not only that the Israeli crimes are denounced. The danger, more importantly, is that the moral bankruptcy and cowardice of the institutions and their leaders are exposed…The dehumanization of Palestinians is lifted from the playbook of all settler colonial projects, including our own. This racism, where people of color are branded as “human animals,” is coded within the DNA of our institutions. It infects those chosen to lead these institutions. It lies at the core of our national identity. It is why the two ruling parties and the institutions that sustain them side with Israel. It feeds the perverted logic of funneling weapons and billions of dollars in support to sustain Israel’s occupation and genocide. History will not judge us kindly. But it will revere those who, under siege, found the courage to say no.”
Click here to learn more about how the American Medical Assocation rejected a resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza.
Click here to learn more about how the AMA will not stand up for Gaza’s health workers.

“To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.” – Ella Wheeler Wilcox

What are the costs for so many Americans being misinformed, submissive, and indifferent regarding US foreign policy, and other matters of Truth & Justice? According to a piece by the late, great, John Pilger, Hitler’s leading propagandist, Leni Riefenstahl, once said that the “patriotic messages” of her films were dependent not on “orders from above” but on what she called the “submissive void” of the German public. Did that include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie? “Yes, especially them,” she said. And what is the “submissive void”? According to Nobel Prize winning author, Harold Pinter, “It means the brainwashing is so thorough we are programmed to swallow a pack of lies. If we don’t recognise propaganda, we may accept it as normal and believe it. That’s the submissive void.” Mr. Pinter also had this to say on US foreign policy and propaganda: “US foreign policy is best defined as follows: kiss my arse or I’ll kick your head in. It is as simple and as crude as that. What is interesting about it is that it’s so incredibly successful. It possesses the structures of disinformation, use of rhetoric, distortion of language, which are very persuasive, but are actually a pack of lies. It is very successful propaganda. They have the money, they have the technology, they have all the means to get away with it, and they do…The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.”

As Israel’s US backed GENOCIDE in Gaza rages on, it was only one week ago today that Israel, once again used US weapons, to murder over 100 Palestinians (including 11 CHILDREN), who were sheltering in a SCHOOL. A few days later, the GENOCIDIST team of Biden/Harris approved another $20 billion (of US taxpayer money), in weapon giveaways to Israel. As per John Pilger, “In our systems of corporate democracy, war is an economic necessity, the perfect marriage of public subsidy and private profit: socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor. The day after 9/11 the stock prices of the war industry soared. More bloodshed was coming, which is great for business. Today, the most profitable wars have their own brand. They are called “forever wars” — Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and now Ukraine. All are based on a pack of lies. Iraq is the most infamous, with its weapons of mass destruction that didn’t exist. NATO’s destruction of Libya in 2011 was justified by a massacre in Benghazi that didn’t happen. Afghanistan was a convenient revenge war for 9/11, which had nothing to do with the people of Afghanistan. Today, the news from Afghanistan is how evil the Taliban are, not that U.S. President Joe Biden’s theft of $7 billion of the country’s bank reserves is causing widespread suffering. Recently, National Public Radio in Washington devoted two hours to Afghanistan, and 30 seconds to its starving people. At its summit in Madrid in June, NATO, which is controlled by the United States, adopted a strategy document that militarises the European continent, and escalates the prospect of war with Russia and China. It proposes “multi domain warfighting against nuclear-armed peer-competitor.” In other words, nuclear war.”
Click here to learn more about the Gaza City school massacre that killed 100 people, including 11 CHILDREN.
Click here to learn more about how the US approved $20 billion in new arms for Israel as Genocide death toll reaches six figures.

“If I sit silently, I have sinned.” — Mohammad Mossadegh

“What is the source of our first suffering? It lies in the fact that we hesitated to speak. It was born in the moment when we accumulated silent things within us.” – Gaton Bachelard

Okay, so here is the Open Letter that was sent to over 45 vegan influencers from Vegans for Collective Liberation:

Dear vegan, animal rights and plant-based organisations, activists, and individuals,

We, a global coalition of ethical vegan activists, are sending you this open letter to urge you to break your silence and take a clear stand against Israel’s Genocide.

We write to you today with heavy hearts, compelled by the urgent need to address Israel’s Genocide against the Palestinian people. For nine long months, we have been sickened by the resounding silence within the vegan, animal rights, and plant-based communities. Although these groups have long advocated for animal rights, and plant-based lifestyles as a way to create a more compassionate world, they have somehow chosen to ignore Israel’s ongoing massacre of Palestinians.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The foundation of our advocacy is built upon the following principles:

1. Compassion for ALL beings.
2. The alleviation of suffering through conscious and kind actions.
3. The promotion of healthy lifestyles.
4. Environmental sustainability.
5. Moral consistency.

Author and Civil Rights activist, James Baldwin, once said that children all over the globe are always ours, and that whoever is incapable of recognizing this may be incapable of morality. Over the last 9 months, Israel’s US backed military has killed 37,202 Palestinians, including more than 15,000 children. During that same period, UNICEF has also reported that at least 1,000 Palestinian kids have had one, or both of their legs amputated, often without anesthesia.

“I wonder now how the foreign policies of the United States would look if we wiped out the national boundaries of the world, at least in our minds, and thought of all children everywhere as our own. Then we could never drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, or napalm on Vietnam, or wage war anywhere, because wars, especially in our time, are always wars against children, indeed our children.” – Historian & Professor Howard Zinn

The United Nations (UN), recently warned that over 1 million people “living” in Gaza will face death and starvation by mid-July, and has now added Israel to its blacklist of countries that violate children’s rights (due to its killing and maiming of children, and attacks on schools and hospitals). The International Court of Justice ruled in January that it is plausible that Israel is committing GENOCIDE, and since that time, countless human rights organizations, journalists, and UN agencies have concluded that Israel’s actions regarding Gaza since October 7, 2023, constitute Genocide, and violate the Genocide Convention. According to the University Network for Human Rights, “Israel has committed genocidal acts of killing, causing serious harm to, and inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical destruction of Palestinians in Gaza, a protected group that forms a substantial part of the Palestinian people.” In other words, Israel is committing genocide, or as author and activist Susan Abulhawa has written, “History will record that Israel committed a holocaust”.

Veganism is fundamentally about fostering empathy and extending our compassion to all sentient beings, including our fellow humans who endure immense suffering. Put simply, veganism is the path, but compassion, non-violence, and moral consistency are the goals.

“Take the worst thing you can say about Hamas, multiply it by 1,000 times and it still will not meet the Israeli repression, and killing, and dispossession of Palestinians.” – Gabor Maté, Holocaust survivor

We witnessed profound compassion in action when Russia invaded Ukraine. Numerous vegan organizations and groups mobilized, extending their care and support to both human and nonhuman animals. Examples of this compassionate spirit include:

– Vegan Kitchen of Ukraine, created by Every Animal, provided free vegan meals to refugees and those in need, and supported vegan soldiers with essential vegan products.
– Vegconomist supported a vegan meals project for refugees in Lviv, raising over €30,000 with the help of its readers and a matching grant.
– VegNews and Plant-Based News discussed the tremendous suffering of the Ukrainians, highlighting vegan organizations aiding animals in Ukraine.
– One Green Planet shared Ukrainian recipes to preserve Ukrainian cultural heritage while recognizing the Ukrainian people’s brave defense of their nation.
– Vegan Food and Living, expressed horror at the suffering in Ukraine and encouraged readers to donate to charities.
– VIVA launched an appeal to rescue animals suffering due to the conflict in Ukraine.
– The American Vegan Society provided free vegan meals and shipped over 1,000 packages of humanitarian aid to vegan civilians and military personnel.
As vegans devoted to compassion, and the reduction of suffering in the world, we were once inspired and proud to be a part of this community. Yet, these same organizations and news outlets have been deafeningly silent regarding the suffering in Gaza.

“We understand that many funders and nonprofits may be frightened to take a stand. The fear is not just of being labelled as anti-Semitic; it’s existential: rich people may pull their money, without which nonprofits cannot function. While many smaller organizations have taken direct stands in this conflict, most have not—with the fear of retaliation being a leading factor for their inaction…Make no mistake: Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people is a racial and gender justice issue…We, like many mission-based organizations, have struggled with how to communicate our stance. For many months, we thought it wasn’t our lane. We, too, are scared. The McCarthy-like hearings that are happening currently have people losing their jobs, and women of color are the first to be scapegoated, including the former president of Harvard…But we realize that running an organization dedicated to social justice means we have a responsibility to live our values, even when it’s uncomfortable. Especially when it’s uncomfortable.” – Anonymous (Non-Profit Quarterly)

We should not need to remind our community why our compassion and activism should extend to human beings as well. Your heartfelt actions towards Ukraine demonstrated your belief in including human animals in your circle of empathy and advocacy. So, why the silence over these past nine months?

The devastation in Palestine is staggering. Thousands of children have been targeted, and murdered, while hospitals, universities, and schools have been destroyed. A record number of healthcare professionals, journalists, and academics have also been executed, as Israel continues to prevent aid trucks from entering Gaza, and uses starvation as a weapon of war.

Moreover, animals also suffer immensely alongside humans. The deafening noise of explosions and bombings terrifies them, causing severe stress and disorientation. Many animals find themselves trapped under rubble, unable to escape from the destruction. The scarcity of food and clean water leaves them starving and dehydrated.

“The Nazis made me afraid of being Jewish, and the Zionists made me ashamed of being Jewish.” – Professor and Holocaust survivor Israel Shahak

In the face of such atrocities, it is our moral duty to act. After nine months, any gesture of solidarity without apologizing for your silence is performative.

Therefore, we urge you to make amends by publicly pledging to refrain from collaborating with, platforming and promoting Zionists like Dr Garth Davis, Dr Joel Kahn, Toni Okamoto, Paul Shapiro, Jennifer Stojkovic, and many others (sadly the list is long). These individuals, who have publicly justified the killing of children, should not be promoted or given a voice at vegan events. Our collective compassion must be consistent and all-encompassing.

“Our own life has to be our message.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

We call on you to uphold the core values of veganism—compassion, empathy, and the alleviation of suffering—by standing with the Palestinian people in their time of need.

This open letter, as well as your response, will be shared with the wider vegan community.

Vegans for Collective Liberation

PS: In solidarity with Palestinian people, here are some powerful quotes from both Jewish and Palestinian vegans:

“My father was the sole survivor of the Jewish Holocaust of his family. He was studying to be a veternarian when the Nazis rounded Jews up in Latvia. A world which keeps devolving to systematic digusting brutality and genocides is inextricably connected with the mass objectivism and oppression of nonhuman animals. One struggle one fight.” – Alison Levy, intersectional vegan, NY & CA

“Injustice is cyclical. To achieve total liberation, one must oppose all forms of injustice. If any oppression is left unquestioned, you become part of the problem and will be affected sooner or later. Speak out against the Israeli genocide in Gaza! Speak out for the tens of thousands of children who were either murdered, orphaned, amputated, displaced, or forced to starve. Speak out so that this never happens anywhere again.” – Ahlam, co-founder of @VeganinPalestine

“It is our duty as vegans to advocate for all sentient beings, which includes non-human animals and humans – as well as we must advocate for the environment. Judaism, according to the Torah, forbids Jews to have our own sovereignty, and forbids to kill or steal. As an anti-Zionist Jew, it is my duty to advocate for Palestinians, and extend my empathy toward all sentient beings.” – Victoria, @victoriaehertel

“Palestinian veganism is intersectional and anticolonial, and challenges the view that veganism should only be centred around Westernised notions of animal liberation. If your veganism is about animal liberation whilst you remain silent and watch or justify the murder of sentient beings (human and non-human animals) across the Gaza Strip, then your veganism is pointless. It is just a label you use to hide your hypocrisy.” – Ryan, @ryan_alnatour

“As part of a justice movement, we have a responsibility to uphold moral consistency across the work we do, and call out the injustice and oppression of others (human and non-human animals) whenever witnessed. Choosing to stay silent in the face of a live-streamed genocide is to loudly consent to it.” – Waseem, @plantbasedarab

“If choosing veganism doesn’t cultivate your morality to stand against all forms of oppression against ALL sentients, I don’t know what would!” – Dalal, @vegan.on.budget

University Network of Human Rights concludes that israel is committing a Genocide. 
NP Quarterly explores why so many nonprofits struggle to condemn Israel’s Violence & War Crimes. 
The International Court of Justice (ICJ), Rules against Israel for its Acts of Genocide. 
The United Nations’ “Anatomy of a Genocide”.
Pressure Builds on the International Criminal Court to Act. 
UN Reports that Violence against children in ‘escalating conflicts’, including Gaza, reached new heights in 2023. 
UN: Rights expert finds ‘reasonable grounds’ genocide is being committed in Gaza.
Israel’s US Backed Genocide in Gaza Exposes the Vegan Movement’s True Colors.
Palestinian Courage, and the Silence of Our Friends.

The letter was met with complete silence from nearly every vegan organization and “influencer” listed below (again, only 2 of the 45 recipients responded, Animal Alliance Asia which asked that we not share their response, and Climate Healers’ Sailesh Rao):
Here are the Vegan organizations & individuals who refuse to speak out against Israel’s US backed GENOCIDE in Gaza:
Afro Vegan Society, Allied Scholars for Animal Protection, Animal Alliance Asia, Animal Equity UK, Animal Justice Foundation, Animal Justice Project, Animal Rising, Animal Think Tank, Badass Vegan (yeah, right), Beagle Freedom Project, Brenda Davis, Climate Healers, Dr. Matthew Nagra, Dr. Vegan, Farm Sanctuary, Hench Herbivore, John Oberg, Ocean Robbins (Food Revolution Network), One Green Planet, PCRM, Pickuplimes, Plant-Based health Professionals UK, Plant-Based Universities (Alistair), Switch for Good (Vegan Olympian), Thrive Baltimore, Vegan Advocacy, Vegan Australia Official, Vegan Hacktivists, Zachary Bird

Et Tu Brenda? Damn, this one hurts. I was perhaps most disappointed to learn that the world renowned nutritionist, Brenda Davis, also chose not to speak out against Israel’s US backed Genocide in Gaza. I can tell you first hand that she is/was great in many ways. Here is what I wrote about her last year in a post titled, Lessons on Wellness from the High Priestess of Vegan Nutrition, Brenda Davis:  “I love Brenda Davis not just for what she has taught us regarding the data on plant-based nutrition, but also because of her kindness and compassion. I have reached out to her 4-5 times over the years with diet related questions, and in every instance, she responded in a thoughtful and kind manner. One time I contacted her because a friend’s husband was gravely ill, and had lost his appetite, and couldn’t keep his food down. Ms. Davis responded quickly with helpful ideas, and profound insight. I have never met Brenda Davis, and I can only imagine how busy she must be as a mother, grandmother, wife, world renowned dietician, published author, and acclaimed speaker. And yet she cared, and still somehow found the time on multiple occasions to make a difference for a stranger, and his friends and family. I am just now learning more about the power and health promoting science of kindness and compassion, but I can tell you that Brenda Davis personifies those qualities, and she is someone who I truly admire. In other words, Brenda Davis rocks!” Sigh.

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” – Desmond Tutu

I was less surprised to learn that Climate Healers founder Sailesh Rao, chose to not only be silent, but to also double down on his complicity. Like Will Tuttle, John Robbins, Damien Mander, and others (people who I greatly admired at one time, who have also chosen to be silent, ignorant, or worse, on Genocide), Dr. Rao contributes to the “submissive void” by trying to appease everyone (even mass murdering psychopaths), with his neutrality, and SILENCE.

Here is the nauseating response from Sailesh Rao (the man who claims to be spiritual, and has the clothes to prove it!):
“Dear Vegans 4 Collective Liberation, The system wants to divide and conquer the Vegan movement. Please don’t fall for it. The system is starving an estimated 800 Million human beings even though it is able to feed 92 billion land animals and slaughter them annually. As a result, 8 Million human beings are already dying of hunger or hunger related causes annually, leaving aside the carnage from the multiple wars raging around the world. In addition, poor diet engineered through false education and false advertising in the system, causes at least half of the 30 Million human deaths from chronic diseases annually. Let us unite to focus on creating a Vegan world centered around health, happiness and harmony instead of the death, disease and destruction rampant in the current system. All the best, Sailesh.” Yikes, considering the context, what a bunch of hooey.

Finally, here are a few excerpts from Chris Hedges’ outstanding piece, Thou Shalt Not Commit Genocide:

Opposing Genocide is a Moral NOT a Political Choice
“There is only one way to end the ongoing genocide in Gaza. It is not through bilateral negotiations. Israel has amply demonstrated, including with the assassination of the lead Hamas negotiator, Ismail Haniyeh, that it has no interest in a permanent ceasefire. The only way for Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians to be halted is for the U.S. to end all weapons shipments to Israel. And the only way this will take place is if enough Americans make clear they have no intention of supporting any presidential ticket or any political party that fuels this genocide…Genocide, the internationally recognized crime of crimes, is not a policy issue. It cannot be equated with trade deals, infrastructure bills, charter schools or immigration. It is a moral issue. It is about the eradication of a people. Any surrender to genocide condemns us as a nation and as a species. It plunges the global society one step closer to barbarity. It eviscerates the rule of law and mocks every fundamental value we claim to honor. It is in a category by itself. And to not, with every fiber of our being, combat genocide is to be complicit in what Hannah Arendt defines as “radical evil,” the evil where human beings, as human beings, are rendered superfluous…The fundamental lesson of the Holocaust, which writers such as Primo Levi stress, is that we can all become willing executioners. It takes very little. We can all become complicit, if only through indifference and apathy, in evil. “Monsters exist,” Levi, who survived Auschwitz, writes, “but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions…To confront evil, even if there is no chance of success, keeps alive our humanity and dignity. It allows us, as Vaclav Havel writes in “The Power of the Powerless,” to live in truth, a truth the powerful do not want spoken and seek to suppress. It provides a guiding light to those who come after us. It tells the victims they are not alone. It is “humanity’s revolt against an enforced position” and an “attempt to regain control over one’s sense of responsibility…”

What does it say about us if we accept a world where we arm and fund a nation that kills and wounds hundreds of innocents a day? What does it say about us if we support an orchestrated famine and the poisoning of the water supply where the polio virus has been detected, meaning tens of thousands will get sick and many will die? What does it say about us if we permit for 10 months the bombing of refugee camps, hospitals, villages and cities to wipe out families and force survivors to camp out in the open or find shelter in crude tents? What does it say about us when we accept the murder of 16,456 children, although this is surely an undercount? What does it say about us when we watch Israel escalate attacks on United Nations facilities, schools — including the Al-Tabaeen school in Gaza City, where over 100 Palestinians were killed while performing the Fajr, or dawn prayers — and other emergency shelters? What does it say about us when we permit Israel to use Palestinians as human shields by forcing handcuffed civilians, including children and the elderly, to enter potentially booby-trapped tunnels and buildings in advance of Israeli troops, at times dressed in Israeli military uniforms? What does it say about us when we support politicians and soldiers who defend the rape and torture of prisoners?

Are these the kinds of allies we want to empower? Is this behavior we want to embrace? What message does this send to the rest of the world? If we do not hold fast to moral imperatives, we are doomed. Evil will triumph. It means there is no right and wrong. It means anything, including mass murder, is permissible. Protestors outside the Democratic National Convention at the United Center in Chicago demand an end to the genocide and U.S. aid to Israel, but inside we are fed a sickening conformity. Hope lies in the streets. A moral stance always has a cost. If there is no cost, it is not moral. It is merely conventional belief.

The question is not whether resistance is practical. It is whether resistance is right. We are enjoined to love our neighbor, not our tribe. We must have faith that the good draws to it the good, even if the empirical evidence around us is bleak. The good is always embodied in action. It must be seen. It does not matter if the wider society is censorious. We are called to defy — through acts of civil disobedience and noncompliance — the laws of the state, when these laws, as they often do, conflict with moral law. We must stand, no matter the cost, with the crucified of the earth. If we fail to take this stand, whether against the abuses of militarized police, the inhumanity of our vast prison system or the genocide in Gaza, we become the crucifiers.”
Click here to learn more from Chris Hedges.

Israel = Nazis = US “Leadership” = Evil = US Corporate Media = GENOCIDE

“The US is funding the genocide. Faith leaders must speak up. Words of ‘concern’ and void calls for peace are not enough. Speak truth to power. Silence is complicity.” – Reverend Munther Isaac

I wonder how many Palestinian CHILDREN have been killed already due to the American public’s fealty to “authority” (its submissive void), and its refusal to know, or care about the Truth. In other words, American SILENCE (If our species survives, there will be studies done on that very topic). I feel like many of us (the peace activists) went through this over 20 years ago with the illegal US invasion and occupation of Iraq, which according to Brown University’s Cost of War Project, has now, conservatively, killed over 5 MILLION innocent people. How many Iraqi lives could have been saved if more Americans would have cared about the Truth, and fought for Peace and Justice back then? The ruling elite at the time, War Criminals Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Biden, and others, LIED, and knew they were lying, and we knew they were lying too (not a single one of them has ever been held accountable). Sound familiar? I had corporate friends back in 2002, who rolled their eyes when I told them I was joining Anti-War protests. What has changed? What have we learned over the last 20 years? One thing is for sure: Silence is Complicity. The United States is a declining empire that remains, by far, the biggest threat to the survival of our species. Too many Americans continue to be ignorant, silent, or worse, while untold numbers of Palestinian CIVILIANS are killed on a DAILY basis by Israeli forces (IOF), and the US War Machine.

“If you do nothing, you can be certain that nothing will happen.” – Professor & Author Norman Finkelstein

Closing Thoughts:

Dear America & Israel,
Please know that there will be a price to pay for your countless mass murder campaigns, and that one day, the chickens WILL come home to roost.
I don’t doubt that, and I don’t blame our brothers and sisters who have been victims of US aggression one bit. In fact, I for one will ask, perhaps with my last breath, what took you so long?

Free Palestine! 

Until next time…

*Note: “Genocide Joe” Biden has been a war criminal and a psychopath for decades. He may be a feeble old man now, but nobody should feel sorry for him. Although he is one of thousands in a broken government, he must still be held accountable (like the Nazis at Nuremberg). Think of the millions of people he has killed (including countless CHILDREN), who will never have a chance to experience a happy, fulfilled life, and like “Genocide Joe”, live to be old, and frail.
Click here for a 2 minute clip from Katie Halper & Aaron Mate of “Genocide Joe” being a warmongering, ignorant bully.

Click here for Palestinian Reverend Munther Isaac’s message to US leaders: If You Are Silent, You Approve of Genocide.
Click here to learn more from Chris Hedges.
Click here for a link to Robert Jay Lifton’s book, The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide.
Click here to learn more about psychology professor Lara Sheehi.
Click here to learn more about the head of Human Rights Watch, Kenneth Roth.
Click here to learn more about Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi.
Click here to learn more about Palestinian scholar Shahd Abusalama.
Click here to learn more about Professor Jasbir Puar.
Click here to learn more from the late, great John Pilger.
Click here to learn even more from Chris Hedges.

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