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Blessing One Another

Poverty is a policy issue. I just read multiple depressing food and health related headlines and was reminded of this powerful passage from Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen: 

“There is a parable about the difference between heaven and hell. In hell people are seated at a table overflowing with delicious food. But they have splints on their elbows and so they cannot reach their mouths with their spoons. They sit through eternity experiencing a terrible hunger in the midst of abundance. In heaven people are also seated at a table overflowing with delicious food. They, too, have splints on their elbows and cannot reach their mouths. But in heaven, people use their spoons to feed one another. Perhaps hell is always of our own making. In the end, the difference between heaven and hell may only be that in hell, people have forgotten how to bless one another.”

Click here for a link to Dr. Remen’s wonderful book “My Grandfather’s Blessings.”

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