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NYC’s Last Minute “Stop the Genocide” Protest Draws Thousands

I was proud to join our Palestinian brothers, sisters, and allies, a few days ago, for an emergency “Stop the Genocide” march. It has been less than 72 hours since Israel once again broke the ceasefire agreement in Gaza, and murdered over 506 Palestinians, including 200 CHILDREN! According to the group, Defense for Children, March 17th was “one of the largest one-day child death tolls in Gaza’s history”. War Criminal, and Genocidist, Benjamin Netanyahu, boasted that “This is just the beginning”, as Israel continued to block food, aid, and fuel going into the Gaza strip. Israel’s US backed GENOCIDE in Gaza has been going on for nearly 18 months, and has now killed over 400,000 Palestinians (70% of whom are women and CHILDREN).

“Israel is the main cause of anti-Semitism in the world today.” – Professor Norman Finkelstein

According to Human Rights Attorney Craig Mokhiber, “There was not a ceasefire for the entire less than two month period of this so-called ceasefire. Israel was violating the terms on almost a daily basis…there was neither a ceasefire, nor a cease-genocide because even in Gaza, there were periodic attacks (by Israel) murdering people in the Gaza Strip, and Israel continued to block humanitarian aid throughout the entire period, sometimes blocking the entry of food, blocking the entry of key necessities for medicine, blocking temporary housing like tents and mobile homes, so there was no ceasefire, that was a bit of theatrics that was cooked up between Netanyahu, and Trump, for the purposes of Trump’s inauguration, and for Netanyahu’s own reasons…What has happened now is that they’ve gone into, again, fully expedited genocide in Gaza. Murdering, massacring hundreds of civilians since last night, and continuing into today. The largest number of those who were killed, over 400 (now 506), were children. After that women, after that civilian men, bombed in their Refugee shelters, in the middle of Ramadan, as they were sleeping or as they were eating. This is one of the largest massacres that we’ve seen during during this genocide. And that coming after the publicly declared war crime of collective punishment by the Israeli regime, that announced in order to make the people of Gaza suffer even more, it was cutting off electricity, it was cutting off humanitarian Aid, medicine, food, and so on with another total Siege. So, the intent of the Israeli regime has not changed, the actions have not fundamentally changed, and they are clearly Expediting now, the genocide that started in October of 2023…you know Trump and Netanyahu come out of a similar mold, this sort of authoritarian, openly racist, violent kind of a politician, and he, like Netanyahu, confesses his sins out loud, and I think that will be important for cases relating to (Genocide) complicity…he is all ignorance, and lies, and violence, and racism and that’s his brand.”
Click here for the entire interview with Craig Mokhiber and Katie Halper.
Click here to learn more about Israel’s most explicit statement of GENOCIDAL intent.
Click here to learn more about Israel’s “Last Chapter of the Genocide” from Chris Hedges.

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.” – attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.” – attributed to Mark Twain

New York Senator, and Zionist supremacist, Chuck Schumer, is a war criminal, and one of the most dangerous politicians in the United States. Why? Unlike Trump, and most of his gangsters, Schumer is smart. Unfortunately, he is also a mass murdering liar, who has continued to promote long DEBUNKED genocidal propaganda (October 7th mass rapes, and behe*ded babies hoaxes), in an effort to justify Israel’s US backed GENOCIDE in Gaza, dumb down Americans, and sell his new book. Professor Norman Finkelstein once called Chuck Schumer a “Moral Monster”. I have lived in NY for over 20 years, and I can confirm that Chuck Schumer is indeed monstrous (see Human Rights Attorney Steven Donziger, who sued the oil giant Chevron on behalf of thousands of Amazonian Indigenous people and won a $10 billion judgement (Chevron dumped 16 billion gallons of oil into their ancestral lands). Only Steven Donziger went to prison, as Schumer received large sums of money from Chevron Oil, and didn’t say a peep!). As per Aaron Mate, and Katie Halper, “As the Jewish-supremacist state of Israel killed hundreds of children in its latest attack on Gaza, Schumer went on The View to sell his book and spread blood libel against Palestinians. “All of a sudden,” he says, “when the Jews were attacked by Hamas initially and the women raped and the little babies heads chopped off and all of that brutally, all of a sudden, antisemitism developed.” These lies, which are used to dehumanize Palestinians and justify the mass murder of children, have been debunked. Even Joe Biden was told by his staff that he had to stop claiming Hamas rape and beheaded babies because there was no evidence for it. So why is Chuck Schumer still lying, and why does The View let him do it so easily?”

Shame on Western media, and the ever-awful TV show “The View”, for giving the racist, war criminal, Schumer, another platform to promote his propaganda. In the same interview, Chuck Schumer also said that, “anti-Semitism was really never that bad until October 7th, and all of a sudden when the Jews were attacked by Hamas” (here Schumer, and Zionist Joy Behar, both attempt to conflate Israel with Judaism, and suggest that “Jews” were the targets of Hamas, rather than the mass murdering state of Israel). As per Craig Mokhiber, “Schumer does not care about antisemitism, it is stunning. I mean he is repeating long debunked genocide propaganda which was concocted, fabricated by Israel for the explicit purpose of creating space to perpetrate genocide against the Palestinians by spreading these horror stories, and he knows it, you know. He knows that Hamas did not attack the Jews on the 7th of October, they attacked Israel.”

Professor Norman Finkelstein sightings at the Emergency “Stop the Genocide March”!

Professor and Author Norman Finkelstein is a self described forensic historian, and one of the world’s leading experts on the history of Palestine, Israel, Zionism, the Nazi Holocaust, and Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Pulitzer Prize winning author Alice Walker had this to say about Mr. Finkelstein, “This is the voice I listen for, when I want to learn the deepest reality about Jews, Zionists, Israelis, and Palestinians. Norman Finkelstein is surely one of the forty honest humans the Scripture alludes to who can save ‘Sodom’ (our Earth) by pointing out, again and again, the sometimes soul-shriveling but unavoidable Truth. There is no one like him today, but in my bones I know this incredible warrior for Humanity and Justice is an archetype that has always been. And will always be. Small comfort in these dark times, perhaps, but a comfort I am deeply grateful for.”

Debunked Lies from October 7, 2023

“October 7: No Direct Material Evidence of Rape.” – Professor Norman Finkelstein

(1) RAPE
Professor Finkelstein has provided a critical analysis of the propaganda, and lies of October 7th, that were created by Israel, and parroted by US government officials, western media, and to some extent, the UN itself, with its Patten Mission report.

As per Mr. Finkelstein:
“The Patten mission that was not “investigative in nature” nonetheless concludes that “there are reasonable grounds to believe” that sexual violence, “including rape and gang rape,” occurred. It bases its findings on these pieces of evidence:
“[F]ully naked or partially naked bodies from the waist down were recovered—mostly women—with hands tied and shot multiple times, often in the head…Although circumstantial, such a pattern of undressing and restraining of victims may be indicative of some forms of sexual violence.” It may be indicative; it also may not be. The mission itself concedes—albeit buried at the tail end of the report—that “in the medicolegal assessment of available photos and videos, no tangible indications of rape could be identified,” and “no digital evidence specifically depicting acts of sexual violence was found in open sources,” and “no discernible pattern of genital mutilation could be established.” It takes time for the magnitude of this admission to sink in. Consider further this detail: “The mission team … reviewed over 5,000 photos, around 50 hours and several audio files of footage of the attacks, provided partly by various state agencies and through an independent online review of various open sources, to identify potential instances and indications of conflict-related sexual violence. The content encompassed the actual attacks and their immediate aftermath, captured through militants’ bodycams and dashcams, individual cellphones, CCTV, and traffic surveillance cameras.” Fully 5,000 photos and 50 hours of footage, from every conceivable angle and by every conceivable electronic device—yet the mission was unable to isolate a single direct image of sexual violence, even as no less than gang rapes were allegedly occurring in open space.

If the report was properly packaged and publicized, the title would read: “October 7: No Direct Material Evidence of Rape.”

The Patten mission “benefitted from the full cooperation of the Government of Israel.” Yet, it couldn’t locate a single victim of sexual violence or a single piece of direct evidence, be it forensic or digital, of sexual violence on 7 October. It therefore beggars belief that rampant sexual violence occurred on that day. The allegation that Hamas systematically utilized rape as a weapon of war can be safely deposited in the same dumpster as the debunked allegation that Hamas built a mammoth command-and-control center beneath al-Shifa hospital.” 
Click here for Professor Finkelstein’s entire piece called “Pramila Patten’s Rape Fantasies”.
Update: Click here to learn how Israel still can’t find any October 7th rape victims.
Click here to learn more from the always superb Electronic Intifada.
Click here for a video from Electronic Intifada.
Click here to learn more from the always excellent Grayzone.
Click here to learn more from the Grayzone!
And more from the Grayzone.
Click here to learn more from Human Rights Attorney Noura Erakat.

There were NO beheaded babies on October 7th. As per the Electronic Intifada, “Atrocities against babies that the head of the Israeli army’s national rescue unit alleged were committed by Hamas fighters when they attacked an Israeli kibbutz on 7 October were in fact lurid tales of the officer’s own invention, intended to provide a pretext for genocide in the Gaza Strip, and to protect the massacre’s actual perpetrators: Israel’s own soldiers, acting on the orders of a top general.”
Click here to learn more from the Electronic Intifada.
Click here to learn more from Norman Finkelstein on how Israel is a propaganda machine.
Click here to learn more from the Grayzone.
Click here to learn more from Mondoweiss.
Click here to learn more about how Chuck Schumer, and others, continue to spread DEBUNKED LIEs on mainstream media.
Click here to learn more about the LIES that Chuck Schumer continues to spread from the Electronic Intifada. 

I recently heard that the racist Donald Trump, called Jewish supremacist, Chuck Schumer, a “Palestinian”, which in Trump’s warped mind, was no doubt intended as a racial slur. Personally, I can’t think of a higher compliment, than to be called a Palestinian.

If you see yourself as being moral, just, and humane, then how can you ever support Zionism, and Israel’s US backed GENOCIDE in Gaza? You are either for Evil, or AGAINST Evil.

Until next time…


Artist: Carlos Latuff

Other sources:
Click here for the entire October 7th section of the Grayzone.
Click here for all of the October 7th related articles from Electronic Intifada.
Click here to hear Electronic Intifada debunk Zionist billionaire Sheryl Sandberg’s Propaganda film, “Screams before Silence”.
Click here to learn more from Craig Mokhiber on how Western media can be held accountable for its role in the GENOCIDE.

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