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Over 90% of Animal Experiments Fail to Lead to Human Treatments

More than 90 percent of scientific discoveries from animal experiments fail to lead to human treatments, according to a report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The authors cautioned: “Poor replication of even high-quality animal studies should be expected by those who conduct clinical research.” Today, thanks in large part to the efforts to eliminate the use of animals in medical education by Dr. Neal Barnard (the founder of, no medical school in the United States or Canada uses animals to teach medicine! – Ingrid Newkirk, Animalkind

Did you know?
– Over 115 million animals are KILLED each year for no reason, due to animal testing.
– Animals are poor human models, except that they also feel pain, fear and suffering.
– Physiologically, and Genetically, animal experimentation has proven to be grossly inadequate when it comes to predicting clinical outcomes in human beings.
Animal Testing is Horrific, Wasteful and Unreliable.

Click here to learn more from Dr. Aysha Akhtar.
Click here for a Video from PETA. 
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Click here to learn more from the American Anti-Vivisection Society.

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