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TV’s “The Doctors” and “Dr. Oz” are Poor Choices for Nutrition Advice

I just watched a video clip of a Dr. Travis Stork from a popular TV show called “The Doctors”, saying that cheese is good for you, as he proceeded to reference many dairy industry funded studies to back up his claims. His advice is not only wrong, but also dangerous. Apparently, providing evidence based research/advice isn’t as important as ratings to the show’s producers, as this sort of thing has happened many times before. A quick Google search revealed that the handsome Dr. Travis Stork, was also a finalist on the TV show the Bachelor two years before getting the gig on his current TV show. The bottom line? Don’t listen to people like TV’s Dr. Travis Stork, and Dr. Oz. I know that they may be good for ratings, and Dr. Stork may be fun to look at for many, but they both know little about nutrition, and in fact, should not be trusted when it comes to sharing information about anything related to nutrition (please remember too that the most powerful weapon that we have to fight disease is a whole food plant based diet).

I have also learned that about half of all of the shows like the The Doctors, and Dr. Oz, have content that is linked directly to advertisements. Yikes. This is especially scary when you consider that the pharmaceutical and animal agriculture industries are two of TV’s biggest advertisers.

The study below was published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), and concluded the following: “Approximately half of the recommendations on medical talk shows (like The Doctors, or Dr. Oz) have either no evidence or are contradicted by the best available evidence. “

If you are interested in nutrition advice that you can trust, please go to,, and, and not to the so called “medical” TV shows.

Click here for the BMJ article.


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